Chapter Ten

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It's been two weeks. Two weeks and not a word,not a simple text or a phone call. Nothing. And every time I go over to Zackys house everybody is there except him. I can't believe I honestly thought that we'd make it as a couple.

I still find myself crying in the middle of the night,wishing he would talk to me or that he was lying next to me. As of now I lay on my back starring at the ceiling,counting all the cracks.

My phone buzzes,and it used to make my heart race,making me hope it was Matt but I have lost almost all of my hope by now.

When I reach over and grab it,it's of course not a text from Matt,but from Zacky.

Zacky: please come over soon

Me: fine just let me get ready

I roll out of bed,and stumble over to the bathroom,and when I look in the mirror I just roll my eyes. Your so beautiful. Matt's words sting in my head.

I hop into the shower,when I find that I still have that stupid lump. God dammit what the hell could this be. I feel as though I should tell someone,but how the hell would I bring that up?

After about 20 minutes,with a couple extra from crying,I hop out of the shower and rap myself in a fluffy purple towel,and go and pick out my clothes.

I just throw on my ripped black jeans and my Red Hot Chili Peppers t shirt. I dry my hair,and throw it up into a bun,and do my makeup simply with just some eyeliner and mascara.

When I head downstairs I grab my car keys and go out to my car. When I pass by Matt's house,I try my best not to look at it,I don't really feel like crying right now.

I pull up to Zackys house,and walk in without even knocking.

"Hey Stephanie how are you?" Brian asks when I walk through and I sit down on the couch.

"Oh I'm doing just fine Brian because broken hearts are just the best." I snap and he throws his hands up in the air as he walks into the kitchen.

"Damn,well then I was just asking." He says and I roll my eyes,looking to Zacky.

"I talked to Matt." He says and I sit up in my seat.

"Well he is your best friend it would make sense." I say and he sighs.

"Can you just stop being an ass hat for a minute and let me say something." I think for a moment,and nod.

"I talked to him,told him what happened." He says and I raise my eyebrows.

"And.....what did he say did he believe you because he sure as shit didn't believe me." I say and he sighs yet again,rubbing his eyes.

"Well he kind of did,I think. I had to hold back Emma though,she was about to smack the shit out of him." He says and I smile,and if she were her right now she would reply with hell yeah.

"Well Matt already told me he didn't trust me,so I don't think we'll be getting together." I say and look at my shoes.

"Well that sucks because I like you much better when your with him. You're a lot less moody." Brian says and I glare at him.

I'm just about to get up and leave,when the door opens and someone steps in. And of course it's Matt. I automatically glare at Zacky,giving him a look of really. He just shrugs,giving me a sly smile.

"Stephanie I-" He begins to say but I hold up my hand to stop him.

"Matt don't you dare." I say and Zacky stands up.

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