Chapter 4

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Ferris's eyes slowly opened to the blinding light of a hospital room. The last thing he remembered was limping on the floor from poison Harlan gave him. Dam you Harlan! He drowsily brought himself up and looked around. That's when he wondered where he was. So far the decor didn't impress him. Blinds where shut closed not letting in the streams of sunlight, pale yellow paint blended into the wall, and his wife Nandalia stood there with two police body guards giving him the death glare. Crap.

"Nandalia-" said Harlan's cracked voice dehydrated from the lack of water. God he was thirsty. What torture would she make me go through this time? He thought as he felt the tense atmosphere in the room. I brought the money back right? Oh, who cares she'll murder me any ways and leave my body in some ditch-

"Here" Nandalia said in a monotone voice. She thrown two pale yellow folders on top of the bed. Ferris timidly opened them and was shocked at what he found. Inside was a file on Harlan, and another on his maid... What's her name again? Princess Lea... No Lyna! Yeah that's it! "Those are the two who stole our money and almost made us bankrupt." Nandalia continued, "I'm surprised you didn't see this sooner, like seriously! You didn't check the staff and get there alibis? No wonder they could sneak around so easily." Great and now she's lecturing me... Ferris thought. But with this it all made sense. An inside person. Someone who could get around the mansion with ease and go in and out without arousing suspicion, it was her ...Lyna! The whole time!

"Actually this is the girl who picked me up yesterday after I got off the train." Ferris states. Nandalia rolled her eyes.

"And you didn't suspect her then? Come on Ferris."

"I'm sorry I'm not like you Nandalia!" scratched his voice croaked loudly. There was a heavy silence in the room. Nandalia sighed and heads toward the door.

"What you drank was Succinylcholine, a muscle paralyze used in hospitals. You fainted because of the stress of your psychological state and your body being overwhelmed by well... everything." She stops in the door way. "I sent the police after them already. Shouldn't be too hard to find them. Especially Ms.Besnik. I'll call you when we get them in our custody." The moment she left the room Ferris felt as if the room itself sighed a relief. Then there was silence for him to dwell in his own thoughts. Slowly he was remembering all the faces in his squad. Harlan's righteous personality, Connor's love of reading, Chitto's amazing marksmanship that rivaled his- He punched his pillow. The two guards at the police door peaked in from the muffled sound.

"I won't let you win Harlan," Ferris whispered into the cushion. He won't let Harlan fill him up with guilt. He will not allow him to make himself remember his so called friends. He punched the pillow again.

He gave up on such a word a long time ago.


Lyna's small apartment consisted of a kitchen and a bed room. She was in the bedroom. Clothing was wrinkled on the carpet, and dust collected on the windows. The only thing neat was her bookshelves of manga books and anime DVDs numerically and alphabetically arranged by title. She was watching the anime Mirai Nikki, also known as Future Diary. She was watching some of the episodes while admiring how Yuno Gasai wouldn't let anyone stand in her way if someone threatened her crush, Yuki. If if the whole world was against them she would take out her axe, and slice his enemies to pieces. That's when a thought hit her. Could I do that too? Lyna asked herself. Could I kill someone for Harlan's sake? Not him watching him kill, but to pull the trigger myself, could I ? She smiled, Of course I could. Anyone threatens Harlan I'll kill them. And she thought this as Yuno swings her bloody axe at a cult member attacking her beloved Yuki.

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