Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Hey Connor what book are you reading this time?" Ferris asked the man under his top bunk. The room itself was small. It had one lamp, two desks and a window closed shut because of the late hours, only letting the last rays from a sunrise Connor sat there still staring at the small paperback in his hand, not at all reacting to Ferris's words. "Connor?" Ferris taps him on the shoulder and Connor moves with a violent jolt.

"Ah, Sam..." Samson Brown was Ferris's alias name to get into the military academy. It was during the time right before the war began and Ferris had to build himself a reputation so he would be less suspicious. Samson looked at the small book in Connor's hands, realizing how intense the reading is.

"What book is that?" Connor gives him a smug grin.

"Crime and Punishment,"

"Dude how can you read that!? I read that in High school and needed to use Spark Notes!" This was a lie of course. Sam never went to high school. He had to build up his back ground story obviously so he wouldn't stand out. Connor just shrugged off his comment.

"I don't know, I just like reading the classics."


"I don't know I just want to be more classy I guess." Sam gave him a puzzled look, not understanding exactly the depth behind those words. In the end, he just gave off fake laugh and climbed up the ladder to his top bunk.

Ferris woke up from the strange dream he just had. He stared up at the hotel's room ceiling taking in the heavy silence that laid in there. There was no light streaming through the curtains, and the only bright object in the room was the digital alarm clock reading 11:00 AM. He was alone in the dark abyss. Huh, Ferris thinks to himself while stretching. What an annoying dream.

A buzzing sound erupted next to the alarm clock. For a second he was thinking the clock itself was vibrating, but quickly realized it was his smart phone. He looked at the caller id and immediately dropped the phone on the floor out of fear, pure fear. Oh God! Ferris yells in his head. Oh God ! Oh God! Oh-

After staring at the phone for what felt like a century, it laid still. Once more, silence fell upon the room. Ferris breathed with relief . Good, now I'll just pretend that didn't happen and take a nice shower- The phone quickly vibrated again, jumping up and down furiously on the floor. If I don't pick it up she'll kill me... Ferris thought to himself in despair. Not like he cared if someone was after his life. Besides Ferris's current situation lots of people always where trying to kill him, but she was far more horrifying then any gang or underground boss in the world. Her wrath was like a cold flame that froze the life out of any body and incinerated it into millions of ashes. Her orders where programs installed in everybody's minds making it impossible to disobey them. She was the Devil himself, one who rules his subjects with a heart not of malice but for the sake of his own gains. Ferris fumbled the phone in his hand, and held it up above his head.

"Hey honey," He said in a squeaky voice with a corny tone.

"Ferris, where's our money?" Echoed a monotone voice.

"What do you mean?" Oh God, Ferris shrieked in his tiny head.

"The bank called, there's no money in our account. Why?" Just my luck, Ferris thinks to himself.

"Didn't you get any calls or emails?" Ferris quickly scrolled down his voice mails and emails, realizing that a lot of them came from his bank, lawyers, workers...

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