Chapter 22 (Celeste's POV)

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Okaiiiii. So if anyone missed Celeste, here you go, she's back again. It won't be word perfect to Wingless because my memory sucks and I'm too lazy to check it.

^^ The picture above is Celeste. If you don't like her, comment here, because I do have alternative ones in my gallery.


Remember to vote & comment :) Also, I'm aiming for 2K views, so spread the story around.


I am talking to a white haired girl in a black leather jumpsuit, with a barely concealed dagger at her waist and a bow and arrows hanging off of her shoulder. She is a Fallen Angel and she says that her name is Cadi, and is giving me advice on a boy. Only he isn't any boy, he is the Prince of Hell and is cheating on me with a lookalike of this girl.

I don't know what to do in this situation.

Do I tell her to leave? No. That's awkward. And she has a dagger. Do I want her to stay? No. Not especially. She looks too alike the girl on the sofa.

The girl on the sofa with the long white hair and the black lacy top. The one that lay on the couch with him with a dark possessive smile, the girl who he obviously likes more than me.

Her grey eyes stare me out as she turns to me. "Don't worry. I won't ask you to say anything or talk about him. But there are people like you and me, a whole community of us. When you're made Wingless, we'll be there to welcome you home."

"Home?" I echo. She turns to look at me, smiling sadly.

"What?" she asks softly, knowingly. "You think Heaven is your home?"

A few weeks ago, I would have answered yes. I liked Heaven, with it's gleaming white mansions and its rolling landscapes and it's beautiful, golden-good way of life.

But then I remember Lues' cheeky smile, and the way his eyes dance when he's teasing me, and how he is the only person that can calm me down when I'm freaking out, and I know that he is my home.

Then I think of the white-haired girl on the sofa with him, and I don't know where my home is.

So I simply nod, numbly accepting her offer just because I don't know what to do next. And I watch as she walks away, the knotted scars on her paper white back shaped like angels wings.


When I arrive home, I know I can't talk to Lues. Talking to him properly will make it all worse. He's just too charming and fun for his own good. I'll just end up loving him again.

He doesn't look very charming and fun when I get home, though. His chocolate brown eyes are glinting dangerously and darkened, bordering on black. His dark hair is sprawled over his head even more messily than usual, like he's been running his fingers through it. His teeth are gritted behind his set mouth, his fists clenched.

He still looks beauti- he is also a jerk, I remind myself huffily.

He looks almost relieved to see me.

"Are you okay?" he asks. "I was worried." He sounds truthful, sincere, but he is really not. I know he's not.

"Fine," I reply, my voice stiff.

He frowns at me. "Are you sure? You don't sound okay." He brushes a curl out of my face; he's always fiddling with my hair. I flinch away and pull it into a ponytail.

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem fine," he says shortly.

"Neither do you."

He smiles grimly. "Yeah, well. I met... a woman. She had ... interesting news about my father."

"What sort of news?" I ask curiously. Forgive me, I'm nosy. He smiles darkly.

"Well, it seems that getting distracted by adorable little angel girls run in the family," he teases, but I ignore his teasing. He stares at me with a frown, before sighing and continuing. "Apparently he had an affair with some white-haired freak called Tanith. She arrived here this morning." He frowns. "Have you been crying?"

"No," I lie awkwardly.

"Don't lie to me," he grumbles, dragging me into the kitchen. He turns the kettle on and scoops some hot chocolate into a mug.

"What are you doing?" I mumble.

"I'm making hot chocolate," he says in a 'duh' voice. "Look at you, you're freezing," he scolds lightly. "Why didn't you bring a jacket?" He drapes his thick woollen jumper over me and I'm too tired and cold to protest.

"Well anyway, apparently my dad played this angel," he scowled. As he speaks, he grumpily sets the mug on fire.

"That's Mary's mug," I say, referring to our current land lady. She's pretty cool with Lues being a demon, but naturally, she doesn't like her stuff being set on fire.

"I know," he says.

"You just set fire to it."

"I know that too."

I sigh and douse the flaming mug in water at the sink. "So?" I'm being cold and stand-offish, my voice bland and uninterested, and I can sense his confusion.


Slowly, he stares me out. Then he sighs. "Apparently, I'm a key part of their movement against Heaven and Hell. I don't see what I can do that's so special, but the creepy woman who was here last night thinks that I'm some sort of prodigy. According to her, they can't do it without me."

Creepy woman? Suddenly I feel like the story has clicked into place. The woman didn't look much older than Lues ... but if she's a Fallen Angel like Cadi, a decade or two wouldn't show. Supernaturals age really slowly.

"What did she look like?" I ask him, making sure that my theory works. He looks at me quizzically.

"White hair. Carries aura of death. Tattoos. Piercings. Grey eyes. Freaky. Makes small children run away screaming-" he begins sarcastically, but I cut him off with a sudden and very forceful hug. It's good that he's so much bigger and stronger than me, or I would have knocked him over.

"What's this sudden display of affection?" he teases. I scowl at him and stick my tongue out, squealing as he starts playfully tickling me.

I should be happy in this moment. But with the looming prospect of becoming Wingless ahead of me, it's difficult to be. And something that Lues said just won't get out of my head.

According to her, they can't do it without me.

Just a filler, but we got to meet our halfling ... who doesn't know he's a halfling ... awesome, right? Wrong? I don't know. COMMENT so I know what you think!

We saw some of Celueste in here. If you liked them and want to know more about their story, you can read Wingless. It's on my profile. And if you've read that, there's loads of other books on my profile too. *winks*

Lues is pronounced Loo-ez. I'm sorry, the name is awkward af. But it's a demon name. (It means blood or evil or something. Idk. Google Translate it.)

Anyway, thanks for reading! <3

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