Chapter 6 (Cadi's POV)

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1. Completely irrelevant, but how old do you think I am?

2. Do you feel like the plot is going a little slow? And are there any key events you want to happen?


I'm cleaning. I'm not as good as Andres is in the kitchen, and I sure can't hunt and I want to do at least something.

Just then the door swings open.
"Andres?" I call out. No. Its a girl. Her hair is swirled up into a bun, two chopsticks (which sometimes, our mum forced us to eat with) keeping it upright. The simple elegance of the hairstyle makes me push back my curly hair nervously. I haven't even brushed it this morning. Her eyes tilt upwards, and they are dark and dangerous and sharp, and her skin is drastically pale. She is wearing tight black jeans, a low cut black silk top which shows a lot of her chest, and a leather jacket. She's a few inches taller than me.
I pale. Has she come here to kill me?
"Bella," she says, holding out a hand.
"C-cadi," I reply quietly, shaking her hand. God, she's seriously scary. Why has she come here? Andres told me earlier that nobody that was a threat would come to the hut - that he had made sure of it. Does that mean that she's not a threat?

I know that my fear is obvious on my face. She must see it too, because her bottom lip curls as she looks me up and down.

Bella's POV
"Cadi," she whimpers, evidently intimidated. Good. I run my eyes over her.
She is perhaps 5'5, compared to my height of 5'7, and pretty - no, beautiful. I grind my teeth together in exasperation. She has a curvy figure, with a tiny waist. Her dark blonde curls look like silk as they tumble over her shoulders. My shoulder-length black hair would look awful if it were unbrushed and over my shoulders, but it suits her. Her eyes are a pretty grey-blue, and I notice with rage that she is wearing one of Andres' grey shirts.

How dare she? Andres is mine and I will make sure that she doesn't forget it.
I decide to get straight to the point.

"Hello, Cadi. Are you aware that your darling Andres is a demon?" My tone is lightly mocking, soft.

Her eyes widen in shock, then she looks incredibly disbelieving. "No, no, he's not! You're lying!" she accuses me, but I hear the doubt in her voice. I chuckle, and point to the stove. Immediately a fire springs up. Fear floods into her eyes.

"Trust me when I say this," I snap. "He is a demon. And you." My voice is as cutting as knives. "You are a little angel girl. Stay away from him."

Just then the door opens and Andres himself walks in, his black hair jaw-length, his features proud, and then those beautiful grey eyes. Like the sky on a rainy day. Instantly they flash with anger when he takes in my presence and Cadi's frightened expression. Does he really care about her feelings? He's irritating me - big time. He glares at me, and stalks over to her, tilting her face upwards.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" he asks gently. My insides twist in rage at his soft, sweet tone. He's never been gentle with me - never. And now he's all over this little blonde. I can't believe it when he pulls her closer, so she's pressed up against him.

I'm a demon, I'm possessive. Andres knows it, he deals with it. Is he purposely making me angry? My teeth grind together in rage.

She shakes her head in a scared no. He turns around and gives me a hard stare. "Bella, get out."

"Excuse me?" He will not order me around. I'm not a lost little puppy.

"Get out," he repeats. "Wait outside the door. I'll talk to you a little later." Outraged, I stalk out. Andres is getting it later.

Andres' POV

God, this is boring, I think, trudging through the woods. I shoot down a couple of birds to eat. Next time I'll bring Cadi. No. She'll only make it even more tedious, a part of me thinks, but something inside me rejects that thought. I can't hide the fact that's it's cute when she blushes, or that I find my lip twitching when she smiles, or that even when she wakes up and her hair is all messy and her eyes are sleepy and she's wearing my baggy t-shirts, she still looks beautiful. I feel bipolar. Yesterday, I was telling myself that I hated her.

But that's not true. I don't hate her. I like her. But at the same time, I'm going to leave her. I can't get too attached to a girl I'll never be able to talk to again.

I can't hide any of this - from the world, or from myself. Or from Bella. I think about our conversation yesterday.

If I had a choice? I might choose Cadi over Bella, to spend the rest of my life with, but honestly I don't care about either. They amuse me and make me smile, and sometimes, I find myself looking at Cadi the way you might imagine looking at- well, I've never really looked at anything like this in my life. What do you expect? I'm a demon. But if I was a pets person, the way you'd look at a clumsy little kitten or a chubby big-eyed puppy, like you want to protect and look after them.

I shake my head. I've got enough food for now. I brush my hair out of my eyes and begin the walk home.

When I get home, who do I see but Bella. Instantly I'm mad. She should know to stay away. If she's told Cadi what I am, or that we're together, I swear I will torture her slowly. Cadi is a pleasure for now, she'll be a way to please myself for the next two weeks, and Bella will not get in the way of that. She's way too jealous. It's irritating. She knows I'd probably choose her to marry later on, why is she fussing over a bit less than a week with a girl I'll never see again? A girl I told her I was simply using just yesterday?

I decide to annoy Bella even more - well, come on. She annoyed me, I'll annoy her.

I walk over to Cadi, grab her chin and pull up her head, so her eyes are looking into mine. I bring her closer, and a blush tinges her cheeks at the distance between us. I smirk. "Are you okay?" I demand. "Did she hurt you?" She doesn't look hurt, which is good.

Looking frightened, she shakes her head. 

"Bella, get out." I snap. 

"Excuse me?" Bella snarls.

I glare at her. "Get out," I repeat. "Wait outside, and I'll talk to you later."

She leaves. Good. I turn to Cadi.

"You're a demon!" she screams. Tears and fear twist her pretty face into something else.


Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn! So how is Andres going to explain himself? Or is Cadi going to leave him? Let's find out ... *evil devil face* in the next chapter.

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