Chapter 21 (Cadi's POV)

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New Cadi is up there ^^^ Yeah, her hair grew back before people start asking -_-

Two Years Later
I slam my fist into the dummy's face, watching in satisfaction as the blank wood splinters. My knuckles ache, and they're bruised and sore, but I'm training harder than ever. Everyone is training harder than ever. Because in a couple of days, it will be the day.

The day Tanith's halfling son comes for initiation.

The boy is half angel, half demon, and therefore he is the key to everything. To get to Heaven and Hell, you have to unlock the gateways that get you there. From the inside, it's simple enough to unlock; you just need the key. But to get inside from outside, you need pure, unaltered angelic blood. 

And that's something Fallen Angels don't have.

Our wings need special nutrients to work, because we need so much energy to use them. However, when the wing buds are cut out we naturally adapt and don't make that nutrient anymore. So our bloodstream wouldn't be valid. We don't have a hope of getting through the angel gateway, let alone the demon one. They need different chemicals, due to the wings having different properties.

However, this boy's blood will contain both, as halflings can transform both ways, so if he will open the gateways, he can let us in and we can finally take Heaven and Hell on.

"You alright?" It's Bella, her hair tied up in a messy bun. Here at the Fallen Angels home base, her raven-black buns and slanted dark eyes look strange in comparison to our snow-white ponytails and wide pale eyes, but everyone has accepted her now. She got some backlash at first, but everyone is over it.

After the day I intervened with her execution, me and Bella have been friends. We just work well together. She's kinder and less sadistic now, and I am way more outspoken and more confident. I guess we have just time to discover - not who I truly am, but who I have the chance to be.

Yes, I'm a Fallen Angel. But in my hardships and pain, I have stumbled on - kind of by accident - who I really am. Found, discovered, fallen - it's all the same really. Because once you've fell, you can get back up again wherever you want and know how to be stronger the next time.

"Fine, you?" I say, dabbing a wet cloth onto my poor knuckles. Bella smirks.

"Your knuckles won't be the only thing you're bruising soon," she says. We are both dressed in work out clothes - trainers and short black shorts, and I'm in a black crop top, whereas she is wearing a vest. Long sleeves and skirts just get in the way to be honest, and now I'm happier with my body I see no reason to cover it up. Fallen Angels don't have time to dress up fancy because we always need to be ready to fight, so skimpy clothes that we can move around in is basically it.

Bella pushes back a few tendrils of hair off of her forehead. "So, you want to go one-on-one?"

I grin. "Sure."


When I wake up on Monday the 19th, adrenaline pumps through my heart. Today, male demon initiation starts. Fallen Angels everywhere will be scouring the country, ready to find Tanith's child before its too late.

My half brother.

Will I have a family again? I'm not on great terms with my "mother", naturally, and I never really was close to Neveah and my dad. But it would have been nice to be. I can't help but wonder if we'll be close. Bella has shown me that a demon background doesn't determine a person, and hopefully - maybe - we will be able to get on. We might possibly even end up like actual family.

I get dressed quickly, ready for my day. I pull back my hair into a ponytail and get dressed - a black leather jumpsuit that looks constricting but is really very stretchy. I wear my favourite black leather boots, which, as well as looking nice, are strong and sturdy. I daresay I'll be doing a lot of walking. I've got a big area to cover.

Six thirty sharp, everyone leaves, grim-faced, but at the same time, excited. Everyone is secretly wanting to find the Prince, and at the same time, want to see Heaven, Hell and the Wingless system go down. A lot of girls are desperate for vengeance, like Tanith is, but revenge isn't really my thing. I'm more worried for the poor people who are going to go through the Wingless process. After this year, hopefully it won't happen anymore.

I leave, my hopes high, but I find no-one. I see both demons and angels, but there's not the half-demon, half-angel that I'm looking for. When I return, I hope that someone else has had better luck, but nobody has. For a full week, nothing happens, and our spirits are dampened with each day. But we keep going.

It's the next Tuesday when I see her. She looks like a china doll. Her body is slim and petite, her curves visible but I definitely wouldn't describe her as curvaceous. She was very slim, and tiny. I thought I was small, but she's about 4'11. Her skin is creamy white, flawless, without blemish, spot or scar. Her pale blonde hair is in soft ringleted curls that fall to her waist, and her eyes a bright, sky blue. Her features are delicate and pretty much without fault. I'm fully happy with my appearance now, but I can't help but feel a twinge of envy at this girl, which I'm sure almost every woman would feel at this basic vision of perfection. She's wearing a simple cream blouse and a pair of jeans and trainers, and is basically sobbing her heart out.

"What's up with you?" She's obviously an angel, anyone could see that.

"Nothing ... nothing much," she says. "Just ... boy trouble." She looks at me warily, evidently taking in my Fallen Angel appearance.

"Boy trouble?" I persist. I can see an underlying hint in that, wondering if she could be destined to be one of us.

She smiles sweetly, trying to control her troubles. Evidently she doesn't want to make too much of a fuss. I can't help but admire her blatant angelicness. "With who?"

She shakes her head. "It's nothing."

"Doesn't seem like it," I persist. "You can tell me." I gesture to the scars on my back. "I fell for a demon, your troubles can't be worse than mine."

"You - you fell for a demon?"

"Uh-huh," I say dryly, wondering if she's going to run away or scream or fall off of her tree stump in shame. She does neither, then looks up at me. I smile. "You did too," I guess.

She shakes her head. "I didn't fall for a demon. I fell for the Prince of Hell."

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