Chapter 8 (Cadi's POV)

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"No, Andres," I say weakly.

Oh God, I love him. I think I really do. But I can't do it. I can't become Wingless. I really can't.

Something flashes through his eyes. I feel like the most horrible person in the world.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

He nods, though he isn't looking at me. I feel like such a horrible person, watching him upset, yet doing nothing. How can an angel please everyone and everything, all the time? When they're put into situations like this, how are they supposed to act? Surely saving myself from becoming Wingless is the selfish thing to do. But being with a demon is wrong.

This isn't fair. Why does all this happen to me?

He looks back up at me, softness in his eyes. "Go to the Easton Woods. Keep travelling south and you'll find them," he says gently. "It will be safe for you there - you can camp out in the forest and nearby there's a village that will supply you with food." Softly, he brushes a stray curl out of my face. Tears instantly spring to my eyes.

"Don't be kind to me," I sob. "I don't deserve it."

He shakes his head, then looks up at me, hope clouding his grey eyes. "One last kiss?" he whispers. "Just one?"

The tears are leaving tracks down my face, my hair's a mess, I've just rejected him. I've never looked more unappealing. And still he wants a kiss from me? The unfairness and my own cruelty stabs me in the gut.

"Please," he pleads.

And so I let him kiss me. 

Andres' POV

"No, Andres," she says. I can see the decision is killing her, but she's making it, and I respect and hate her for that at the same time. My jaw clenches in anger and I look away, to take control. I need to look heartbroken; not furious. I need her to want me. To come back to me.

When I want to take ownership of someone or something, I will.

My anger flashes through my eyes, so I grit my teeth and look away. As soon as I've adopted a convincingly sorry look, I turn and see her. The guilt is eating her up inside. Good. She'll be in my trap before she knows it.

"Go to Easton Woods," I suggest. I spin her a story of a safe forest next to a village, hiding my smirk. She won't last five minutes there - bandits, thieves, murderers, robbers, muggers, demons, vampires (A/N - this is NOT going to be a vampire story) and I think there's some supernatural creatures I don't even know about there. I don't want to know them, either. She'll need me in the first twenty minutes. 

And then I'll swoop in, be her Prince Charming, and guess what? 

She'll be mine again.

"Don't be kind to me," she wails. "I don't deserve it."

This amuses me. Who needs kindness more than Cadi? The beautiful girl who's been told she's ugly all of her life; the broken angel who's been abused and ignored; the person who knows the right decision for her future, has made that right decision, and still feels sorry for anyone who might get hurt in the way. She is an angel down to the tee - not the self-righteous, pious ones we're used to seeing, but honestly good and pure.

She deserves kindness, truly. Because she's never received it.

I chuckle. "One last kiss?" I ask her. I am not letting her go without making her submit to me. She won't get away without selling me a little bit of herself.

She wants to. I can tell.

"Please?" I beg her.

She allows me to kiss her.

The kiss starts off sweet and passionate, and she gasps in surprise. I smirk into the kiss, then take advantage of her parted lips by slipping her tongue in. I suck lightly on her tongue, and she whimpers. We make out for a few minutes, then I pull backwards and see her staring at me in shock.

I chuckle. "Goodbye, Cadi. I'll hope to see you another time. Remember - Easton Woods."

I will see you another time. In fact, five minutes. 

Okay, I know it was short and kind of rubbish, but it's just a filler chapter because the next one coming will be really long :3 

Also, I just turned 13 xD It was really funny when all of you were thinking I was 16 or 18 or something! :D

Sorry for the late (and awful) update ;/

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