Chapter 17 (Cadi's POV)

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I would put a picture up of an angel with torn out wings, but it's pretty gruesome...

Comment if you don't mind seeing a picture?


"Take the second Wingless to the pit."

I barely process the words before I'm chucked down. Bella is whimpering and moaning, slipping out of consciousness. The sight of such a strong capable girl reduced to this after a Wingless process that is meant to be less painful than mine makes my intestines curdle like old custard.

I'm forced roughly onto my knees. I can barely see from the drug. My head is pounding. I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I haven't even become Wingless yet.

"Take out your wings," I hear someone snarl. I whimper, attempting to, but I have no control over any part of my body. A harsh knock across my face makes me wince, but I've had worse blows and anyway, the drug manages to numb most of it. It still stings, though, and the hit makes me whimper.

"Resist and it'll be harder," whoever it is growls, and I want to tell him that I'm not resisting, I'm physically unable, but I can't speak at all. The drug is killing me.

He calls me some names that I wouldn't like to repeat. A harsh kick to my ribcage makes me groan, but I manage to gather the strength to pull them out. I close my eyes, ready for the pain that is sure to come.

He grabs a fistful of my wings, the upper feather, and gives them a harsh yank. I scream out in pain. It feels kind of like my hair has been ripped out, except it's completely torn the sensitive skin of my lower back around it as it was pulled out. His friend does the same to the other wing, and another rough scream tumbles out of my lips.
They work methodically up my back, in sync now, each pull and yank harder and harder, hurting more and more.

I suppose the drug is meant to do something, but it sure isn't. The pain isn't even a feeling anymore; it's surpassed a simple twinge of my nerve endings. It hurts. It really, truly hurts. Every time I have used the word 'hurt' in the past is irrelevant. This is the true meaning of the word.

My entire back aflame, one of the men behind me smirks. "This is the hard bit. I'd brace yourself. You're gonna squeal like a stuck pig."

The tears running down my face drop onto the sand beneath me. A thick mixture of blood and sweat are running down my back. He thickly grasps the tiny, wispy buds just at the curve of my shoulder and twists his hand. I whimper, but am not too bothered. It's well known that these are an easy place to cause pain; it was a punishment favoured by my mother.

"Mmm," the other one muses. "Tougher than most, I see." He wraps his fingers round it and yanks it out. Pain rushes through me and a bloody wound flowers from the sore area. My face is now basically drenched in sweat and tears.

He grabs something from behind him. I turn around only to see him with a knife.

Instincts kick in and I try scrambling away, but a hand locks around my hair and pulls me back. Two knives cut incredibly deep into my shoulder blades, forcing yet another scream out of me. My head starts spinning. How deep have they cut? I feel someone's hand pushing against the torn, mutilated skin to grasp around the very bud of my wing.

We learnt about wing buds, in Biology. It's a raised little center of skin, inside my shoulder.

This is where all my wings came from. That's when I realize what they're about to do. I whimper in protest. The skin of it is kind of like your gums, but it's more tender, more sore. I know this is going to hurt bad. Real bad.

The knives come down so fast I don't have time to process it, cutting through the tendons that connect the buds to my skin. I scream out in furious pain; a fierce, shuddering scream that racks my whole body. I'm sobbing now, fiercely sobbing.

"These two have defied their heritages, disgraced their families, and shamed the honourable - or dishonourable, respectively - races that they were born to. We cast them down to Earth. May they live or die as Fate sees fit."

That is when I pass out. I remember nothing of being thrown down. Absolutely nothing.

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