Chapter 3 (Cadi's POV)

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Hi. I just wanted to say, your adorable comments make my day ... honestly they're so cute :'( Comment today because I love your feedback Dx

Also, I have no WiFi at home, so if My updates are late, its because I haven't found a place with WiFi yet ;-; So please bear with me >.>

And if you're bored between updates, you can always check out my other books. If you like supernatural romances, check out my book 'Red' which is completed (it's about vampires :0).

Lola Dx
I wake up in his bed, heaving with relief. Its probably the best night I've had since the start of initiation. I burrow back into the mattress, breathing in Andres' scent - spice and smoke and the sky after it's rained. Its a dangerous, exciting smell; but dangerous and exciting are not what I need. And a mortal boy isn't either.
Though I can't help wishing Andres was an angel. I'm fed up of golden hair and blue eyes and poetry recitals and holding hands. Is it bad to want a boy with raven hair and stormy grey eyes that kills wolves and lives in the woods? A boy that smells like danger and carries me through forests and brushes kisses against my forehead at night...
Yes, Cadi. Yes, it is bad, the angelic part of me says. But the rest of me is finding it hard to care.
I ignore my thoughts, flopping into bed, when I hear the voice I've been dreaming about all night.
"Sleep well?" He is up and dressed, in a black V-neck and black jeans and grey trainers. I mumble something incoherent and bury my face in the pillow. "Get up, sleepy." When I don't reply, he grabs me and hoists me over his shoulder, dumping me onto one of the armchairs.
I whine in complaint but he only laughs at me, pushing a plate of waffles and syrup towards me.
It looks seriously awesome, and I'm pretty sure that he won't let me not eat anyway. He smirks when he sees me eating, knowing that he's won.
He looks over the table, digging into his own waffles. "So ... why were those wolves following you?"
I shake my head. "I don't know," I say weakly. "I ... I honestly don't. I thought it was something to do with me being an angel, but that's probably just..."
"You're an angel?" He looks shocked, and I facepalm. Of course he's shocked, I'm an angel and I didn't even tell him.
"God. Sorry. That's a big thing to spring on you, I didn't mean to keep it from you, its just-"
"Cadi, stop babbling." He chuckles. "It's fine."
I blush. He looks at me curiously as if he's trying to figure me out, which only makes me blush more to be honest. He shakes his head, smiling with amusement.
Andres POV
An angel? Now I just feel really stupid for not figuring it out. My eyes lock onto her blue eyes, her blonde hair, her melodic, soft voice, and it just seems really obvious to me.
Just as what I need to do is really obvious.
She's an angel. I have to kill her - how can I not? I don't want to end up Wingless because of a cute little blonde. And evidently, the wolves were simply attracted to our supernatural energy.
To all you people who haven't figured it out, I'm not a mortal guy. I'm a demon, a demon warrior, also on my initiation. While they have to perform a good deed, all demons have to do is stay alive, because mortals pretty much can't stand us. However, they have no idea what our true weakness is - holy relics. Bibles, Crucifixes, anything with a holy meaning involved, makes us sick, dizzy or even knocks us unconscious.
I look up and notice Cadi blushing. I look at her curiously. Surely if she's at angel initiation, she shouldn't really be crushing on a guy. It's amusing, though.
An idea forms in my head and I smirk. Sure, I have to kill Cadi. But so soon? Supernaturals form relationships - fast. I have no idea why, but in a couple of weeks, or at longest a month, we can pretty much be ready for marriage. Demons don't tend to feel "love" towards each other, but angels do.
I have two weeks, and in those two weeks, Cadi is going to fall for me hard, and I'm going to ruin her innocence and have her eating out of my hand. Soon she'll find those pretty angel wings ripped out her back.
We sit on the sofa absent-mindedly. One of the sleeves of my grey shirt - which looks cute on her, I'll admit, it brings the blue out of her eyes - is hanging off her shoulder. She hasn't noticed it.
I smile smugly. Yesterday, the feelings I mistook for affection were simply pity. But I'm over those feelings now. All I feel for this angel girl is contempt.
Softly, I brush her bare shoulder with my fingertips, lightly letting my fingers settle on her exposed skin before pulling up the sleeve. I hear a light whimper escape her lips at my touch, and hold back my eye roll.
Then I remind myself that she's an angel, and is doubtless seriously inexperienced when it comes to guys. This is satisfying, actually. I find it remarkably amusing that I'm the first guy to ever be in any kind of relationship with her, and I don't know. Seeing her reaction is funny.
"T-thank... thank you," she stammers, when she finally finds her voice. I chuckle.
"No problem, sweetheart." With the shoulder righted, the V-neck shows more of her now exposed collarbone and chest. I note a light bruise, marking a baby pink blemish on her pale skin.
"Where did you get it?" I ask..
"Get - get what?" she stammers, but she knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Cadi's POV
Okay. When I said that my parents 'didn't like me' it was a bit of an exaggeration.
They hate me. I'm a constant source of embarrassment to them. The abuse isn't regular or anything, it's just sometimes, when I make a big mistake or I just screw up.
I remember that bruise.
We were having a sort of dinner with a few other families. There were two girls, Mary and Celeste, but they were only ten, and adorable with their alabaster white skin and sky-blue eyes and pale gold hair. The only girl my age was Alison and I didn't really want to talk to Alison. She was everything my parents wanted me to be, and she was sugar-sweet to me, which kind of made it worse.
All the adults sort of talked to Alison and ignored me. I could tell my dad wasn't happy about that, but then I spilt my drink all over my lap and I knew that I was in for it.
Tears slipped into my eyes when I thought about it, and they weren't unseen by Andres.
"Tell me," he demands roughly.
"It's - it's nothing. Just a birthmark," I ineptly attempt to deceive him. He looks irritated. I'm lying to him and he knows it.
He glares at me. "Don't you dare lie to me, Cadi." His tone is harsh and does nothing to improve my mood, and I think he realizes I'm close to breaking down because he sighs in apology. He cups my cheek and gently guides my head towards his chest. "Come on Cadi, you can talk to me," he says gently.
A sob escapes my lips, at both his kindness and the memories. I find my life story tumbling from my tongue, and it's somewhat comforting that he doesn't interrupt or judge or laugh at me. I finish, but sobs are still racking my body and I barely notice what's going on around me. That is until I'm in his bed again and I can feel his hand gently stroking my hair.
"Come on, Cadi," he says soothingly. "Stop crying, try and get to sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."
Morning ... morning ... morning ...
The word echoes in my head, but soon it becomes a lot quieter and I find myself asleep.

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