Rant - Foods

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You literally are sacrificing all of your favourite sweet foods for your teeth to be beautiful and straight.
Is it really worth it?

Please skip this chapter if you don't have braces yet and you are going to get them.

I think orthodontists are more general health humans instead of just mouth ones because basically any food that isn't good for you is off limits.

'No hard foods'


But the orthodontist thinks of a way to be like, actually, you can!
By chopping it and it's like...so we can't chop up the other hard foods? Ex-ca-useee-me.

It's mainly because of sugar I understand because cavities etc but you can never be like, ahhh a special treat.

Story Time!

I was at the movies the other day seeing a movie called, 'Daddy's Home' which was pretty good I recommend it. Anyways I'm like
Omg mother, that popcorn smells sooooo good.
And she's like, would you like some?

I was like...wowoowowoowowowowowoowowoowowowow. I stared at her and she was like, oh sorry!
Anyway she said that I could just suck the nice taste off of it and swallow it without actually chewing.

I was like, what a splendid idea parental figure #1!

Anyways I got home and flossed and guess what. Heaps of popcorn parts stuck in my teeth.
So please, save yourself and learn from my experience. Just don't eat popcorn. Surely you can survive without it for 18 months.

Yeah, great story. You better take my advice. I shared that story for you.
Anyway you get no chewy lollies, no caramel, no nothinggg.

But I suppose it's all worth it in the end... I suppose. Even though treatment literally never ends.

Like you get your braces off and then you have to wear your retainers for the rest of your entire life.

I bet I just made you happy :)
It's not that bad because you get used to it (so I've been told).

Sorry if I made you extra annoyed.
Til next time,

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