My Braces Status

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I'm going to ask myself some questions on your behalf. You're welcome.

When did you get your braces put on?
Well, I got my top braces put on early July and my bottom braces on sometime in September of 2015.

How long do you need to have them on for?
Please, don't ask any person with braces how long they need them on for. Not even the orthodontist can tell until later. Maybe when they've nearly reached 2 years of wearing them, you can ask but not if they're only 6 months into their braces treatment.


What colour did you get at first?
Well, my top braces are clear. This is because I wanted them to seem invisible even though they are still quite visible. However, in photos it looks like they're not there so I am satisfied. If you get clear top braces then you don't ever change them to a colour (unless you want to get killed by your parents because clears cost extra).
My bottom ones are coloured because you can't get clear on the bottom teeth for reasons that are too in depth to explain (basically it's nearly midnight right now and I'm too tired to type that up).
I first got teal at the bottom (a type of blue).

Since you go clear and coloured, is the rumour true that clear braces hurt more than coloured?
For me, yes BUT that is only because my top teeth were a train wreck compared to my bottom. I look at photos and cringe. But as soon as the braces come on they start working very hard and I saw difference in the first 6 hours.
My bottom braces weren't even needed. The orthodontist said that they were perfect however they are still needed for the purpose for elastics (which you will hear about later in this book). Since the bottom braces didn't need to do much work, the pain wasn't as bad as it was for the top. IF they were of equal 'messed upness' - my teeth I'm talking about - the clear and coloured to not make a difference in pain levels.

How long do they hurt for?
Warming, if you are going to get braces and don't want to know the answer to this question, skip ahead please.
The first day is basically fine. The pain isn't really there, only a bit of pressure. Later that night, you can feel a bit of pain but nothing too big. That's when you start to think:

Ahh this is no problem!

Then there is the second day. That's probably when the pain is at its worse. Now don't think AHH NUP THIS IS GONNA BE WORSE THAN A BROKEN BONE. No. What I'm saying is that the pain isn't even that bad. It's just at ITS PERSONAL strongest the second day. It really depends on how you and your body respond to pain and people have different pain levels. After about 4 days, you can talk and stuff with absolutely no pain but it can take up to 7 days until you can eat without pain. Soft foods and a lot of drinks that week :)

Does it feel weird and horrible when you get your braces on? Do your lips feel weird and mouth feel big?
I always rubbed my tongue against the braces. This is just because I was getting used to them. If you get itchy lips, braces are useful to scratch them XD.
Mouth feels normal size.

What do you think is worse? A plate or braces?
I'd say that braces are much much better than a plate. I would wear braces for the rest of my life so I wouldn't have to wear a plate again.
Now all plates are different from everyone's depending on what the plate's job is. Now I had a top and bottom plate. I have an over bite (when the jaw on top is for in front of the bottom jaw instead of directly on top) and the job of my plates were for the bottom bulky plate to clip in front of the top plate, therefore aggressively bringing my bottom jaw forward and my top jaw backward.

That plate only lasted one day. The whole day I was crying and felt so horrible. Then at the end of the day we had a family discussion (my parents did, I was crying while in bed or watching TV or something) and they told me to take it out quite emotionally.

Anyways if you're a reading this and are about to get a plate, please don't be scared. I was quite youngish and I'm very sensitive. If you saw my plate you would understand. It's very rare for people to get the plate I had because turns out my previous orthodontist was an orthodontist for people with severe mouth problems when mine weren't bad, just typical problems. My new orthodontist told me I didn't need a plate at all so that was a waste of money and sadness.

But as I said, it's different for everyone.

So there you go. There are some questions I have answered. Don't get scared because it's all worth it in the end and the pain isn't even that bad! Just thought this would be a nice book to write in my holiday break as I don't need to think, just go off my own honest, personal opinions and give guides etc.
I will update in the morning :)

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