"Good. So what're you making me?"

"Go make something yourself"

"Fine" I groaned as I dragged myself up and walked to the pantry.

I found some bread, ham and a few other things, so I just made myself a sandwich.

"I'm back!" I announced as I stopped at the pantry door, facing Xavier with a plate with my sandwich on it in one hand. I waved to the nonexistent people at the sides like princess Diana, and finally plonked myself down opposite my boss.

"Did you miss me?" I slurred.

"Not particularly" he groaned.

"Fine. Be that way. Do you want a bite? I made it extra spicy with chiles because I like spicy food and I can't stand bland food it's so..." I continued blabbering, as I brought the sandwich closer to my mouth, and finally took a bite.

I chewed slowly and swallowed. That's when the chiles kicked in. Soon, I was fanning my mouth because it was on fire.

Maybe I shouldn't have put so many chiles inside.

I ran up to the minibar and got out a bottle of water and gulped it down. I turned around and what I saw surprised me.

Xavier Andrews, known to be the man that never smiled, was laughing. His blue eyes sparkled and his shoulders were shaking while he clenched his stomach. I don't know why, but it made me smile.

"You know Xavier, you look much better when you laugh" I smiled at him as I sat down.

He looked at me, and immediately stopped laughing.

Did I say something wrong?

"No. You didn't say anything wrong Maddison" he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"Then what's wrong? Is the little CEO upset?" I laughed as I leaned over the table separating up and lightly pinched his cheeks.

"No" he groaned as he pulled my hands off his cheeks.

"You know, you should really check your family history. You might be related to Edward. You know since you can clearly read minds. Personally, I think Jacob is so much better, but Edward is good too..." I blabbered.

"Maddison, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but under no circumstances am I a sparkling vampire, or a freakishly tall werwolf"

"But why not? It would be so cool to be one of them! Like watch me! I'll run from one side to the other, before this bottle hits the floor" I said as I got up and walked to one of the sides.

As soon as my fingers left the bottle, I ran up and down the jet, trying to prove my point, earning a few chuckles from Xavier.

"Mr. Andrews, Ms. Green, this is your pilot speaking. We will be experiencing quite a bit of turbulence, so I suggest you put on your seat belts if they are not already on"

What the hell does turbulence mean?

I ignored the warning and continued running. Xavier, the party pooper, insisted that I sit down, but I chose to ignore it.

Mr. CEO and MeWhere stories live. Discover now