chapter twenty-nine

Start from the beginning

Another thing is I'm still trying to think about what my feelings are towards Yoongi. I don't know what it is. It's not that I like Yoongi in a loving way but I have a care for him that I don't even know how to say it. But there's one word that could explain it easier then a whole paragraph about how I feel. It's empathy for what I feel for Yoongi. It isn't love but a emotional feeling of wanting to protect Yoongi is what I think I feel for Yoongi.

On the other hand Jungkook is slightly different from Yoongi. Nevermind that it isn't slightly but rather the difference is a big gap itself. Jungkook got me mesmerized the first day I saw him when I moved into this dorm. And how his personality was so straightforward even made him more attractive.

Yoongi is too but the way Jungkook says things or does little actions on me caught my attention. But it could be that I know Yoongi a little bit better and we have a longer past maybe that's why because I'm used to him being straightforward that is isn't a new thing unlike Jungkook who I only met a couple months ago but went really deep with each other.

I'm annoyed of the things Jungkook like how he keeps asking me to do stuff I don't want to do or how he keeps faking his innocence to take advantage of me but at the end of the day I still choose him over all the bullshit he gave me and the drama.

Hes made me feel broken inside but I still want him even if I know he'd probably break me down and shatter me into a heart that can't be replaced or be put back in a whole but if I go and leave him id feel guilty for some reason or rather more specifically an emptiness because he makes me happy. Just his existence next to me standing there makes me feel joy enough.

I also gave him myself where he sucked my dick and we kind of fucked for the first time but didn't go to that extent but I've grown to really love Jungkook. Not for sex or using him which I've never done before but I love him for who he is.

After thinking for a while about what Jungkook asked, "Does it mean we're dating then Jimin?"

After accumulating all of the past moments and thinking really hard if I was ready to go back to being in a relationship once again I realized I do love Junkook more then I know and more than my first love so I gave him the answer he was waiting for because it felt right and a good feeling.

"I guess it does Jungkook."
"I didn't force you right?"
"No you didn't Jungkook."
"I hope not Id feel sad if I did."
"Guess what I'm feeling right now."
"No dummy."
"What then Jimin?"
"Happiness. I feel happy."
"Your so cheesy it turns me on but ayy that ass has-"
"Jungkook stop with the ass jokes."
"Are you on your period Jimin?"
"Do you know I'm pregnant?"
"Wait what?! You don't have a pussy."
"I'm pregnant because of you."
"Your lying aren't you."
"I'm pregnant because I'm looking at you right now. Did you know when you look at people Jimin you get them pregnant?"

I chuckled. I didn't even know what he meant but his weird randomness that pops out of nowhere makes me laugh so I go along with it because that's one of the things I adore from Jungkook.

"Oh I didn't know that."
"Don't give me that look Jimin."
"What ? You mean this?"

Biting my lower lip staring intensely back into Jungkook's eyes I licked my lower lip letting my tongue hang out to the side of my mouth but I giggled stopping what I was doing because Junkook was clearly frustated by his hormones like always whenever he was near me or saw me.

"Jungkook I don't know what it is but when I see you frustated over me you look like a child who doesent know what to do but is in shock with big eyes. I really like that expression on you."
"Are you trying to make me frustated again?"
"No I'm just really happy Jungkook."

Happiness - jikookWhere stories live. Discover now