chapter twenty-nine

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(2 years ago past tense)

Jungkook pouted widely at me. I can't believe he's trying to use innocence on me.

"Jungkook if you don't listen to me I won't do as you ask."
"Didn't I say we should make a sex tape?"
"Why do you want me to fuck you so badly?"
"I question myself too Jimin as to why I want you so badly."
"Why do you keep bothering me about it."

His eyes glimmered a little. That was the first time I've actually seen his soft fade in which shocked me a bit because the look in his eyes were so different from all the times I've seen him always horny wanting sex with me like usual.

"Because I want someone to love me."
"But Jungkook sex isn't always love."

Jungkook paused with a smile and laughed for a second making me look at him with suspicion as to why he looked so sad but with a smile stapled to his face.

"Because I've never met someone quite like you Jimin and I trust you enough for you to take my virginity because I know you wouldn't leave me after all the bullshit I would give you."
"And what if that's not true Jungkook."
"But you wouldn't. Right Jimin?"

He's right about that. I couldn't disagree because it was too true to be a lie. I wouldn't leave him. Even if he fucked someone else which he did I'd still be here. I guess I'm very fond of him and have a caring place for him inside my heart.

"No I wouldn't leave you Jungkook. But you gotta listen to me more ok? Be more obedient to your older hyung."

Jungkook sounded a "mhmm." , with his closed lips. I placed my hand on his noticing something was still off.

"You need to go put clothes on Jungkook. Or people are going to wonder why a nude porn star is walking outside with me."
"Wait we're going somewhere Jimin?"
"To get you food because you haven't eaten for the past 24 hours."

I sat down on the bed waiting for Jungkook to be done changing and when he did he out of nowhere hopped on me, his knee caps on my thighs and his arms around my neck coming in for our foreheads to connect.

"Does it mean we're dating then Jimin?"

I didn't know if it meant we were dating. But looking back at the moments we had from when I first met him I did develop feelings for him through those months I've been with Jungkook.

When we first locked eyes I though it was stupid of me to catch feelings like love at first sight with my ex but it can happen if your really attractive to one person or you just feel the mutual between one another.

He also forced me to go inside that Ferris wheel one time. At first I hated how he pushed me but if he didn't id regret him not doing that to me.

And when he kissed me while I was fake sleeping in the car it's been two months ago since he did that but I can still feel the touch of it and remember the whole thing from the vibrations of his lips touching mines.

We also raced eachother to the top of the dorm room. I walked in when he scared me from behind and tackled our bodies together down on the bed and that was the first time we actually kissed where I was awake instead of fake sleeping. The taste of his inside mouth was pleasing. It tasted like fresh sweet mint. That was my favorite flavor most of all especially ice cream.

But I also remember the bad times where he didn't have sex with Taehyung but he grinded into him with their clothes on. Even if it wasn't sex it still hurts like a bitch. And the countless number of girls he fucks with is outstanding. He sure is a fuckboi. But I came to understand everyone does this. Everyone can make mistakes and be selfish. It's not like Jungkook is the only one to do this in the world but it still fragments my heart into little pieces.

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