Chapter 15

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The rest of our date was uneventful and soon I was back at home. Hopefully the next time we go out will be better. It has to be more fun because we’re going to a carnival!

The rest of the week passed in a blur and soon Saturday was here! I was so excited for the carnival that I thought the week wouldn’t pass but surprisingly it passed fast.

I put on jeans and a black sweater that would protect me from the cold. I hoped it wouldn’t rain because that would really suck.

Zack was only eight minutes late this time. An improvement, I thought sarcastically, but I didn’t voice out my thoughts.

The twins were already there when we arrived. They were both dressed in skirts and V-necks. I didn’t know how they didn’t feel cold with barely any clothes on.

We started by buying a bag of candies each. We were eating them and walking around to observe the rides and kiosks.

There were a lot of people around, talking and laughing or just screaming from fear while they were on the rides.

We went on the roller coaster at first and I cheered excitedly as we turned in the loops. I could hear the twins yelling at the top of their lungs. Their voices hurt my ears but I ignored them and just enjoyed my ride.

Riding the roller coaster reminded me of Carla and Kate because we all loved roller coasters. Ever since we were kids we loved the loops and speed. Our parents were shocked when the first time we rode a roller coaster we came down laughing and wanting to ride it again.

They were expecting us to be crying or puking all over the place but we weren’t. Roller coasters were amazing and we loved them ever since the first time we went on one.

It was different riding roller coasters with the twins and Zack because they didn’t share my excitement but I didn’t let that ruin the ride for me. I was still excited.

I enjoyed it even though I almost puked the candies I had just eaten. We shouldn’t eat before riding a roller coaster. I knew that but those candies were so delicious!

Some people on the ride weren’t as lucky as us because they puked as soon as their feet were on the ground again.

“Ew disgusting,” Mandy said as she passed next to a guy that was puking.

I rolled my eyes at her and kept on walking.

“Wasn’t that ride awesome?” I said excitedly.

“No!” The twins said at the same time while Zack shrugged indifferently.

“It was horrible! Look at what it did to my hair,” Mandy said, patting her hair which was still as flat as it was before the ride.

“It was too fast!” Candy said. “I hated it.”

“Well I loved it,” I said, shrugging. They don’t know how to have fun.

“Look at that loser,” Candy snorted as we were walking around the carnival a few minutes later.

Mandy and Zack chuckled.

“Who are you talking about?” I ask, curiously.

“That dude in the green shirt,” Zack said, putting an arm over my shoulders. “Landon, I think, is his name.”

I stiffened.

Landon? As in Landon my best friend?

My eyes widened when I saw that it was indeed him. He was with two guys I didn’t recognize.

I saw the look on Candy and Mandy’s faces that said that they were about to tease and embarrass someone. It was the same look they had before they crushed Randy on Tuesday.

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