Chapter 9.

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Lola didn't want to wear his clothes. Agreeing on staying over at his place for the night was already too much for her.

She sobered up a little bit, but Harry didn't trust her to stay at her place. At least not tonight. She was still very vulnerable and messed up. He had no idea what happened to her, but he wanted to make her feel better. For some weird reason, he felt guilty.

After small arguing over her wearing his clothes they came to agreement. Harry went to her place to get her some spare clothes and a toothbrush. She wasn’t very happy with the idea of staying with him but she was too weak to do something about it.

Yes, they did have and emotional bonding moment and she wasn’t lying when she said she wants to learn how to love again. There was that little voice in her head telling her different story. It was trying to convince her she’ll never be able to love again and that this whole thing was wrong.

Deep inside she knew she wanted to change and she knew it would be hard. She also knew Harry was the one who might be able to help her. There was something about his vibe that assured her he means nothing but good.

As he went to her place to pick up the things she told him, she went to take a shower and warm herself up. Her thoughts were wandering and always kept returning to the mess of a boy in whose house she was staying.

He was obviously troubled, but he was damn good at hiding it. Even though he was obviously a bad boy, there was a soft side to him. The way he was gentle with her and the way he tried to save her life slightly warmed her cold heart.

He brought out something inside of her. She didn’t know if it was sympathy or drugs, but she didn’t hate him anymore.

As the warm shower hit her, she closed her eyes. Her thought went back to when he hugged her. Back to when she touched his strong torso and back to the feeling of his soft skin under her fingertips.

The more she kept thinking of him, the more her body was overheating. His chocolate curls were haunting her. She imagined his long fingers grazing her skin and the feeling her thoughts created was addictive.

Just the thought of him felt so wrong, but so right. It made her crazy. It made her smile. It made her bipolar.

She heard him come in and she turned off the water deciding to leave her lust untouched. She wrapped a towel around her body and stepped out of the bathroom. His eyes snapped towards her and her very revealing image.

She was very attractive and mysterious. She also had no shame and was very intimidating. Even though he saw her in what was probably her most vulnerable state, he still thought of her as a mysterious dark haired girl that was very troubled and cold.

“I got you this. I hope it’s fine. I didn’t want to run through your things too much.” He said as he handed he the clothes he got her.

“Wow are you gay? You were in a girl’s room and you didn’t snoop through underwear drawer.” And the bitch is back.

He didn’t say a word, he just turned around and left her to change. She was just scared of someone being actually respectful towards her and caring.

His thoughts kept going to her body wrapped in that small towel. She had long and lean legs. The thought of her wrapping them around him popped into his head but he decided to shake it off.

Now was not the time for that kind of thoughts. Although, the contents of her drawer he saw just a few minutes ago were not helping him. It was filled with lacy underwear. Probably the only kind of underwear she owned.

He noticed a few sex toys too and a pack of condoms. It looks like he was dealing with a kinky, but careful one. His type of woman.

The shuffling in the room snapped him from his thoughts as he entered the room. She was wearing black baggy bottoms with red polka dots on.  She had a tight tank top on. Not the t shirt he brought her.

“You’ll be cold in that.” He said pointing at her choice of sleepwear.

“I won’t.” She glanced at him sitting on the bed next to him.

“You’re tired you should go to sleep.” He said as she yawned.

“Take my bed and I’ll crash on the sofa.” Harry stood up ready to leave when her words stopped him.

“I wasn’t always a bitch, you know? It’s just...Life didn’t treat me well so I had to become one to survive.” She sighed looking at him with her big doe eyes.

“I know you’re a good person. We both are...somewhere deep inside.” He vaguely smiled at her.

“Hey neighbour!” She yelled after him as he was leaving the room.

“Your bed is big enough for two you know?” She tapped the empty space next to her, almost smiling.

“Is that a smile creeping up?” He asked, smiling himself.

“You’re not that lucky to receive one.” She raised her eyebrow, still waiting for him to join her in bed.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Jesus what’s with all the questions? Just get in!” She rolled her eyes and got comfy under the covers.

He got in and turned his face to her. He kept on looking at her and studying her make up free face. She was very pretty. Her lips were naturally dark pink and her eyes were big and dark.

“What?!” She asked him angrily.

“Nothing...” He blushed slightly as she rolled her eyes.

“You’re very pretty girl.” He said bluntly leaving both of them speechless.

Lola felt embarrassed, she didn’t know where to look. She was not used to this. Yes, she heard men tell her she was hot a million times. But not once has someone told her she was pretty.

As cold and as crazy she was, she was still a girl. She was still wanting for someone to call her pretty. For someone to just talk to her. It would be nice to have that instead of just sex all the time.

Unfortunately sex was the only thing she knew how to handle. Compliments or any kind of affection was something she had problems with. She was hurt so bad she decided to block out that part of her personality. It would be nice to get it back.

His hand slowly came to her face and he gently stroked her cheek. She gulped, not sure how to react. He was gentle and sweet. He was different. It looked as though he was searching for the same things as she did.

Safety. Affection. Love.


Hello my lovelies!!!


I’m back and I’ll try the updates coming more often now that it’s summer!

I hope you are as excited as I am to see this story develop. Tell me what you think of it. Do you like it? Maybe you dislike something about it? Talk to me.

Comment, vote, fan! Whatever you do makes me happy!



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