Chapter 11: That Pervert

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The rest of the day went by quickly, and I soon met Ryan outside the school. He waved at me, his porcelain mask still tied tightly on his head. I don't even understand...Why does he feel the need to wear that thing?

We walked home together, talking about how the day went.

"Yeah, I was hanging out with this guy named Toby." Ryan said cheerfully.

"Really?" I said in shock. "What did he look like?"

Ryan described him to me, and it perfectly matched the Toby I met today. "Funny thing..." I started. "I just met him today."

Ryan smiled. "He is really nice! I'm gonna hook him up." Ryan waved his hand by his cheek like a telephone. 

I smiled awkwardly, rubbing my hand behind my neck. "Yeah....did he happen to mention any names?"

Ryan's smiled faded. "No...why do you ask? Did he say anything to you?"

I didn't know if I should tell him or not...Should I respect Toby's privacy? I barely know him....Or should I tell my boyfriend the truth? Oh boy...this is not a good situation to be in...

"No! Not at all!" I lied. "I was just wondering..." Ryan smiled cheerfully, and started bouncing around on the sidewalk. "I wanna help him...He seem pretty lonely. At the end of the day, he took me into a room, and we played computer games together. We didn't even get caught...Can you believe the security at this school?!" 

Oh yeah...speaking of school, we have that school festival coming up. We have a science fair, basketball games, video game times in the library, and so on, and so on. It sounded really fun, and I really wanted to go. I was thinking about asking Ryan about it, but I don't really think it's his type of thing...It's worth a shot though, I guess...

"Hey Ryan?" I said, getting a bit closer to him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the upcoming festival with me?"

Ryan started walking a bit slower, and twiddled his thumbs. "I dunno Felix...I don't really like crowds..."


I was a little shocked that Felix asked me to go somewhere with him. We were technically...ummm...well, ya'

My cheeks burned, as I look up at Felix. "I dunno Felix...I don't really like crowds..." Felix looked a little bit hurt, but I don't think he's going to give up so easily. I can't really say no to Felix...

Felix seemed to recover in seconds, and he was already telling me how much fun it would be. "There's going to be video games in the library, fireworks, dancing, basketball games-"

"Fine." I said, interrupting him.

After that, his face glowed up like a five-year old child's on Christmas.

"Really?! You'll really come with me?!"

I smiled. "I can't say no to you, from what that sounded like."

Felix grinned. "Think of all the things I can make you do now...Mwahahahahahaha!"

Then I punched him on the shoulder, and he pretended to be hurt. "God...Cry, you're so small...but your punches hurt like fuuuuuuuuck..."

"Cry?" I asked.

Felix smiled in a pleased-with-himself way. "That's what I'm going to call you now. You know, you do cry a lot..."

And then I punched him again. 


When we got back to Felix's house, he went into his bedroom to make a Call Of Duty video for youtube, but I was starting to wonder if he really was. I couldn't hear him talking at all. I didn't want to take any chances however, because if he really was recording, I didn't just want to barge in, so I waited. I started reading a book on the sofa, and drinking some tea. About half an hour later, Ms. Kjellberg came through the door, holding some groceries. "Help me?" She asked. I guess she was still taking some English classes. I grabbed as many bags as I could, and walked into the huge kitchen. The counters looks brand new, because I got bored and scrubbed when we got back from school.

I started unloading some of the food into the fridge and cabinet, and kept some food out that we were going to make for dinner. Ms. Kjellberg has been teaching me how to make some Swedish cuisine.

I got on one of Ms. Kjellberg's aprons on, (which was sadly pink) and started cutting up some vegetables. Just then, Felix burst out of his bedroom, and stumbled into the kitchen. "What 'cha mak- ...Ryan! What are you wearing!" He laughed hysterically. I crossed my arms across my chest. "What else was I supposed to wear?" Felix kept giggling, and ran into his room to get his camera. He came back out, and started taking pictures. I kept running over by him, and trying to snatch the camera, and he just ran away, giggling. Finally, Ms. Kjellberg grabbed me by the shoulders, and Felix got a proper picture. "Good job, Mom!" Felix said, giving her a thumbs up. "Yesss!" She answered with a thick Swedish accent, returning the thumbs up.

That night, when I crawled into bed next to Felix, I'm sad to say there was a printed out picture of me wearing the stupid pink apron, in a frame next to his bed. I smiled to myself.

That pervert.


Yay! Updating finally after a month! I'm terrible! ;;;;D
Yeah, sorry for the long wait! And this isn't very long, so I apologize again... ;-;

At least it's something...Right?

Don't forget to ★ and comment and stuff! It really helps me stay motivated, and always makes my day better! :D

Thanks for reading,


(Also, thank you for all the reads! I fucking love you guys!!!! >u<)

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