Month Nine

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"Get outttttttttt!" Michael shouted to the octuplets, laying back on the couch with his swollen feet resting on the ottoman infront of him. The babies had decided to stay in Michael for a little longer, 2 weeks to be exact, making the pregnant boy miserable.

Michael's feet ached, his tummy was throbbed from being so stretched and the octuplets being restless, the Braxton Hicks were getting more frequent and stronger, usually coming in the middle of the night and he would panic a bit each time he got one, wondering if it was the real thing, but to no avail.

The babies were still in him and won't fucking come out.

"Hey baby." Ashton cooed as he woke over to the shorter boy, playing with his faded red hair, "How do you feel?" He asked and Michael sighed, "Like a beached whale with swollen ankles." He groaned, "Whales don't have ankles." Ashton chuckled, "Well, lucky them!" Michael huffed and leaned back into the couch.

"I want them out, get them out." He sighed and Ashton kissed his forehead, "They'll be out soon babe." He cooed, "Soon is not now." Michael groaned and rubbed his tummy

"I just want to sleep until they come out." He mumbled and closed his eyes, feeling Ashton rub his back to help him drift off to sleep.

Michael woke up and sighed, getting up with a struggle and waddling to the kitchen, resting his head on Luke's shoulder as the blonde cooked dinner. "I hate you so much." Michael mumbled, "Why?" He asked, "Because you put these fucking brats inside of me." Michael groaned, "Well, I hate of 3 of you because you all put your dick in me so." Michael mumbled sleepily amd Luke giggled.

"Tired baby?" Luke cooed and Michael nodded, "Fucking brats won't let me sleep for no more than a damn hour." Michael grumbled and Luke chuckled, pausing his cooking and then turning around, picking Michael up and carrying him to the bedroom him, laying him down next to Calum and Michael cuddled up to the Kiwi boy, he was a lot clingier this past.

"Calum, can you pull these damn kids out?" Michael mumbled and Calum kissed his head, "You have to be patient love." Calum cooed, "I've been patient for over two weeks these children can kiss my-" Michael began, cut off by a loud *POP!* that caused him to jump up, seeing his sweats were soaked.

"LUKE! ASHTON!" Michael screamed and Calum went to Michael's side, helping him out of the room and seeing the other two rushing towards them, freezing as they saw Michael's water had broken, frozen in shock. "Don't just fucking stand there! Get the baby bag or something, Jesus Christ!" Michael snapped, already in a large amount of pain as the first contraction tore through his abdomen and he whimpered, an unusually calm Calum helping him downstairs to the car and sitting him down in the front seat, the poor boy breathing heavily through the contraction.

"I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU!" Michael screamed as they began driving to the hospital, "YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Michael snapped and leaned forward, panting as the contraction ended but the octuplets kicked endlessly and Calum slowly held Michael's hand, trying to help him calm down and he did somewhat, still tense.

The drove up to the hospital and Luke rushed inside to get Dr.Stylinson, Calum helping Michael out of the car whilst Ashton held onto the baby bag.

"Let's have our babies"

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