Month Four

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Michael waddled inside the doctors office, feeling embarrassed by the dozens of pairs of eyes on him and his giant baby bump. "Don't be shy love, you're having our babies." Calum cooed and Michael smiled as the Kiwi boy put his hand on his protruding belly, helping him sit down on the couch in the waiting room and Calum sat next to him.

"They're getting really big." Michael mumbled as he rubbed his bump, smiling a little and Calum took out the camcorder, filming and putting the camera out of Michael's sight so he didn't know.

"They are, they're having a nice time in here I bet." Calum chuckled as he poked Michael's belly, "They better, they move so damn much oh my god its painful and I have to deal with their shit." Michael groaned, "Does it really hurt?" Calum asked, "It will when their long ass baby legs push against my gut and stretch it." Michael sighed, Calum pressed a kiss to Michael's clothed belly and the pregnant boy giggled, "It tickles." Michael giggled and Calum blew a raspberry on his bump, making Michael laugh a little.

"Michael Clifford?" A nurse called and Calum got up, turning the camera off amd helping the heavily pregnant boy up. Then they walked, well Michael waddled, into a room and Calum helped him onto the chair / bed thingy,  lifting Michael's tshirt up above his bump and kissing it all over, making Michael giggle.

"Hi Michael." Dr.Tomlinson smiled at him and Michael noticed he had no bump anymore, "Oh did you have the baby?" Michael beamed as Louis walked over.

"Oh, um I had a miscarriage." The British boy mumbled and Michael's face fell, "Oh Lou, I'm so sorry." The pale boy cooed, "It's okay, things happen." Louis smiled and Michael smiled sympathetically at him as the gel was spread onto his belly, the remote being placed on his belly and Michael smiled at the 8 black and white figures on the screen.

"Mikey, do you know where you'd like to have the births?" Louis asked as he moved the remote around, "I have thought about it, I want it in the hospital because it just seems safer, like what if something happens to one or more of them you know what I mean?" Michael mumbled and Louis nodded with a smile, "Water birth?" He asked as he wiped off the gel, "Yeah, I was reading up on it and it sounds like a good choice to me, I know about the risks, but it seems like the better choice to me. Plus, it'll help with the pain of eight children coming out of my ass." Michael sighed and Louis chuckled, handing Michael an ultrasound picture as well as a small cloth bag, holding 8 little heart shaped recorders, when you pressed a button the heartbeats would play and honestly, it was making Michael cry due to the sweet gesture.

"Thanks Louis." Michael smiled and gave the man a hug, "You're very welcome Mikey." The Bristish man smiled and they left, going home.

"4 months down, 5 more to go"

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