The First Night In Gryffindor Tower

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Hi so continuing from where we left off. Enjoy.

Remus, James, Peter, Amy, Sirius, and Morgana walk to the common room with the rest of the first years. When they get there the prefect tells them the password and they all go in the common room. Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter take the couches in front of the fire. Morgana sits on the floor in front of Sirius and she leans back against the couch. Amy lays on the floor. They all talk about what kind of pranks they can pull on people. Halfway through the discussion Remus decides to read a book, causing Amy to get up and take the book from him. Remus grumbles and glares at Amy. After they finish talking they go up and find their dorms. Morgana goes upstairs and finds her dorm and is glared at by the other girls in her dorm.

M: Hi I am guessing you guys don't like me

(L:=Lily Evans and LE:=Lucy Evans)

L: I would love to get to know you and so does my sister

M: Not to be rude, but who are you and who is your sister

L: I am Lily Evans and that is my sister (points to Lucy)

LE: Hi I am Lucy Evans

M: Hi well I am just gonna go stay with my friends then

L: Do you know where their dorm is

M: Yeah so I am just gonna take my trunk and talk to the headmaster about switching dorms tomorrow

L: Ok we'll see you tomorrow

M: Ok

Morgana walks over to her trunk and grabs it and looks for Sirius' dorm. She finds it and knocks on the door. Sirius opens the door and hugs Morgana.

SB: What do you need Morgana

M: Can I stay with you tonight because nobody in my dorm really likes me

SB: Sure

Sirius walks in followed by Morgana.

SB: Hey guys is it alright if Morgana crashes in here with us for the night because her whole dorm doesn't like her

JP: Sure, but I don't want to hear you two doing anything

Peter just nods.

R: It is fine with me but there is only four beds in the room and I am not giving up my bed, so she will have to sleep in your bed with you

SB: Ok well the bed is not big enough for the two of us

R: The prefect is probably still downstairs so let's go talk to him

Morgana nods and grabs Sirius' arm and drags him out the door and down the stairs followed by Remus. They see the prefect on the couch and walk over to him.

M: Hi I am Morgana, are you a prefect


B: Yes I am. Can I help you three

M: Yes well you see none of the girls in my dorm like me and I don't want to share a dorm with people that don't like me and I was wondering what I should do about that

B: I will go get professor Mcgonagall and you can discuss this with her seeing as she is our head of house

M: Ok thanks and by the way what is your name

B: My name is Brandon

M: Ok

Brandon walks out of the common room and comes back with Mcgonagall three minutes later. Mcgonagall walks over to Morgana, Remus, and Sirius.

MM: What is the problem

M: Well professor, none of the girls in my dorm like me and I don't want to share a dorm with people that don't like me and on the train I became friends with Remus, James, and Peter and Sirius and I have known each other since we were little. So I was wondering if I can share a dorm with them

MM: Of course and you will talk with the headmaster about it tomorrow

M: Ok thank you professor

MM: You are welcome and do you have all your stuff packed up and in the boys dorm already

M: Yes but professor there is not enough beds in their room

MM: Very well we will fix that and who would you like to share a bed with

M: Sirius

MM: Ok

Mcgonagall does a spell and looks back down at the three students.

MM: You may go back to your dorm now and Morgana will be spending the night in Sirius' bed

They all nod and run back up the stairs. They open the door and see James sitting on his bed writing a letter.

M: Hey James I am staying in here tonight

JP: Is that why Sirius' bed is larger then everyone else's bed

SB: Yup now Morgana go in the bathroom and get changed

Morgana kisses Sirius' cheek and grabs her pajamas and goes in the bathroom and gets changed then comes back out to see all the boys changed and in bed. Morgana walks over to Sirius' bed and climbs in next to him. Sirius looks at Morgana's clothes and smirks. Morgana notices his smirk.

M: What are you smirking at

SB: Your clothes, aren't you cold

M: A little yeah

SB: Here

Sirius takes off his shirt and hands it to Morgana. Morgana puts on Sirius' shirt and lays her head on his chest and she falls asleep instantly. Someone knocks on their door. Remus answers it.

LE: Hi I was told Morgana was in this dorm and I just wanted to bring her pet to her since she left it in our room

R: Ok let me get her

Remus closes the door and walks over to Sirius' bed.

R: Sirius

SB: Yeah

R: One of Morgana's dormates is at the door with her pet

SB: Ok I will get it from them

Sirius gets out of the bed without bothering Morgana and walks to the door. He opens it and finds a scared looking girl.

SB: Hi what do you need

LE: I want to give Morgana her pet and it's supplies and this animal is kinda scary so will you take it now

SB: Sure

Sirius picks Siri's stuff up and just as he is about to grab Siri, Morgana walks up behind him and grabs Siri instead.

SB: I thought you were asleep

M: I was but Remus thought it would be a smart idea for me to know that someone was at the door with my pet and his stuff

SB: Ok well, put him on my bed then and I will bring his stuff in and you can put it where you want it

Morgana nods and walks back over to Sirius' bed and sits on it. Sirius grabs Siri's stuff and closes the door. He walks over to his bed and takes Siri from Morgana.

SB: Go ahead and put his cage where you want it

Morgana nods and puts Siri's cage next to Sirius' bedside table. She walks back over to the bed and grabs Siri. She puts him in his cage and closes it up. She walks back to Sirius' bed and lays down pulling Sirius along with her. Morgana lays her head on his chest and falls asleep instantly.

Ok so that is all for this chapter. Hope you liked it. Ok bye for now. Love you guys. Love Lily.

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