The Sleepover part 3

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So Almost done with the sleepover. Anyway here is the next chapter. enjoy.

As soon as they are in the house, Morgana takes everyone on a tour of the house. (The House is above the title.) After they have seen the house they decide to party. They go into the party room and party for three minutes and then they decide to watch a movie. They find Voldemort to see if they can watch a movie. They finally find him and Morgana walks up to him to ask.

M: Father could we watch a movie in the private movie room please

V: Sure sweetheart

M: Yay thank you father

She walks to everyone else and they pick a movie and go and watch it. They are watching the movie now. Morgana and Regulas are laying on the bed in the room and Sirius is next to Morgana and Sabrina is next to Regulas and Lauren is next to Sabrina. Regulas has his arm out and Morgana has her head on his chest. They are watching a movie called the most dangerous game.( if you haven't seen it you should watch it)

Morgana isn't scared by it but Sirius is.

M: Really Sirius this movie scares you

SB: Yes it does a lot

M: Wow you are such a wimp

SB: I am not

M: Are to

SB: am not

M: Are to

SB: am n......

R: Can you two please stop. Geez you carry on like a bloody married couple

M: Yeah right Reg, Sirius and I a couple that would never happen

SB: Yeah never gonna happen

R: It better not happen

M: Reg it will not happen

R: Good

Morgana and Regulas start making out. Regulas pulls Morgana on top of him and continues to kiss her.


Regulas starts to take off Morgana's shirt. Morgana breaks the kiss.

M: Reg, I want to, but not now my father is watching us

R: How do you know he is watching us

M: I can just feel his presence

R: Ok fine, another time though

M: Yeah , later in our relationship

R: Why later

M: I want to take this slow. I mean come on you are my first boyfriend and I don't want to rush into things too soon

R: Ok I understand your point

M: Good

SB: I hate to interrupt but if you two are gonna have sex can you go somewhere else

M: Shut up Sirius we are not having sex

SB: Good cause I never plan on watching my brother and my friend have sex with each other and the movie is over by the way.

M: Ok who wants to go swimming

SB: Are you serious, swimming now it is dark out

M; Did the movie scare you that much

SB: No I just don't think it is a good idea to go swimming now

M: Relax nothing is gonna happen if we go swimming now so let's go

SB: One problem Regulas, Lauren, and I have no bathing suits

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