The Hogwarts Express

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Hi so continuing from where we left off. Enjoy.

The rest of the days before Hogwarts started, consisted of Sirius, Aki, and Sabrina spending the night at Morgana's and only leaving to go visit with their families on the weekends. Over the past few weeks Sirius and Morgana have really become close to each other as well as to Morgana's tiger cub. Morgana still has not figured out a name for her tiger cub, so she just calls him cub. Sirius and Morgana spend a lot of time in Morgana's room just talking and sharing small kisses.

(In Morgana's room)

It is the Morning that they leave for Hogwarts. Sirius and Morgana are sitting on the couch in Morgana's room. They are just enjoying each other's company, when Morgana breaks the silence.

M: Sirius

SB: Yes beautiful

M: Have you ever thought of how far we could go

SB: Yes all the time but I don't want you to rush into a relationship too soon because you broke up with Regulas only a few weeks ago

M: I am glad I have you Sirius

SB: I am glad that I have you too


Morgana laughs and kisses Sirius. Sirius deepens the kiss. Morgana deepens the kiss even more. Sirius picks Morgana up off the couch while still kissing her. Morgana wraps her legs tightly around Sirius' body. Sirius pushes her into the wall. Morgana breaks the kiss for only a moment.

M: I am glad we put silencing charms on my room so that way nobody can hear what is going on at this very minute

SB: Me too but can we continue where we left off now

M: Yes we can

Sirius attacks Morgana's lips again. He pulls her body off the wall and walks over to the bed and pushes her onto it. Morgana starts feeling up and down Sirius' chest. Sirius' hands go to Morgana's shirt. Sirius pulls away and pulls off his and then pulls off Morgana's shirt. They are just about to continue where they left off when someone knocks on the door. Morgana and Sirius slowly move away from each other and put their shirts back on and Morgana opens the door to see Hades.

M: What do you need Hades

HR: Mum said that it is time to go to kings cross

M: Ok we will be out in a minute

HR: Ok and Morgana what is that smell coming off of you

M: Come in and I will explain

Hades comes in and closes the door behind him and he then walks over to couch and sits down. Morgana sits down next to her brother and Sirius sits on the other side of Morgana.

M: Ok don't freak out and you have to promise not to say a word to anyone

HR: I promise I will not freak out and I also promise that I will not tell anyone

M: Good well the explanation is Sirius and I friends with benefits and we were just about to have sex when you knocked on the door

HR: That doesn't surprise me

M: What do you mean

HR: I knew he liked you since our seventh birthday and I knew you liked him since our eighth birthday

M: So you aren't mad or anything

HR: No just surprised that you both admitted your feelings so soon and we should go before we miss the train

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