The Sleepover part 1

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Hi so this is a three part chapter and continuing from where we left off. Enjoy.

M: I will go tell Regulas he can come to our sleepover

SB: Lauren and I will go pack

M: Ok

Morgan walks to Regulas' room and knocks on his door.

R: Come in

Morgana walks into his room and closes the door behind her. Regulas hasn't noticed her yet. Regulas is sitting at his desk doing his summer work. He has his legs facing the door and is looking down at his parchment. Morgana walks up to him and sits on his lap. He looks at her and kisses her passionately. She deepens the kiss. He deepens it more. Morgana pulls away after another five minutes.

R: Mor, why did you pull away

M: first of all, who the bloody hell is Mor and second of all Sirius is coming into your room and he can't know about us. Yet!!!!!!!

R: Morgana you are Mor and I don't give a damn what Sirius would think about us dating.

M: Awwwww I like your nickname for me and Sirius doesn't know I like you because I told him I don't like either one of you and I can't have him knowing that we are dating he will hate me

R: I understand that

Regulas kisses Morgana and Morgana deepens the kiss.

Just then the door opens and Sirius walks in and sees them kissing.


Morgana pulls away and looks at Sirius and starts crying because she knows he is going to tease her now. She tries to run away but Regulas grabs her arm and pulls her back onto his lap.

R: You were going to have to tell him sooner or later. It is better that he knows now because in a few weeks we will be going to Hogwarts and people are going to question your last name and he needs to know so that way if someone says anything to you when I am not around, he will not be as mad at you as he would if you kept it a secret from him for a while.

M: Ok Reg I see your point

R: Is Reg my nickname

M: Yes it is

R: Well I like it

Regulas kisses Morgana.

SB: Um hi I am still here

M: Sorry Sirius

SB: Yeah sure what ever

M: Are you mad at me for not telling you that I liked Regulas

SB: No but you could have pulled me away from everyone else and just told me

M: Thanks Sirius and I am glad you aren't mad at me because this sleepover would suck if you were mad at me

SB: Speaking of the sleepover, Regulas are you coming with us or not

R: Of course I am coming

M: Yay I get to kiss you all night then

SB: Please don't kiss in front of me

M: I won't. Well Reg I suggest you pack and I will be back to get you when we are leaving

R: Ok

Morgana walks out of Regulas' room and into Sirius' room and sees Lauren is ready to go and she has Sirius' suitcase out for him. Everyone but Morgana leaves and waits downstairs. Lauren is the last one out so she closes the door behind her. Sirius walks over to his suitcase and starts packing. Morgana walks over to him.

M: Here let me help you

SB: Thanks

M: Your welcome and can I ask you something

SB: Sure what is it

M: How would you feel if I told you I lied when we first got to your house when I said I didn't like you

SB: I would be a little mad but I would be curious as to why you lied and why are you asking me this

M: It is hard to explain so I will show you

SB: What show me h.........

Hahahaha so cliffhanger so what does Morgana mean and why does Sirius stop mid-sentence? Don't ask I have no clue. Ok well bye for now. what do you think of it.

Love Lily

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