The Sleepover part2

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Hi so continuing from where we left off. This chapter repeats what happened in the end of the last chapter. Enjoy.

M: It is hard to explain so I will show you

SB: What show me h.......

Sirius is unsure of what was going on. One minute later he realized that Morgana was kissing him. He kissed back and deepened it. Morgana deepens it more. Sirius deepens it even more. Morgana deepens it even more. Sirius pushes her onto his bed. Sirius starts to take off his shirt.

M: Ok Sirius I know you want to and trust me I do too, but I am with Regulas right now and he will hate me if he finds out.

SB: I understand what you are saying, but I don't care if you are dating him or not I want you now and I know you want me

M: Sirius I do want you I just don't want to hurt Regulas, now Get up I gotta go see if everyone is ready and you need to finish packing

SB: Don't be long

M: I wouldn't dream of it

Morgana walks out of Sirius' room and downstairs.

S: Hey Morgana what took you so long

M: Sorry I was helping Sirius pack

L: Why

M: I was being nice to him

S: Why would you be nice to him , you hate him

M: OK well I kinda lied when I said I didn't like Regalus and I am dating Regulas and Sirius found out but not in the nicest of ways

L: How did he find out

M: He walked in on Regulas and I snogging

S: That is bad

M: I know that is why I was helping Sirius pack because I felt bad because I broke Sirius' heart

L: I don't believe you but I will just act like I have no clue what is going on

M: Ok then, BTW are you guys ready yet

S: I am, Lauren are you ready


M: Ok I will go let the boys know

Morgana walks up to Regulas' room and is about to knock on his door when Sirius grabs her hand and pulls her into his room.

M: What Sirius

SB: You realize you smell like my cologne

M: Shit I need an excuse to tell Regulas so he isn't suspicious

SB: Tell him you apologized to me for not telling me sooner and we just hugged

M: Thanks Sirius that is a great idea and you and I are not official

SB: What do you mean

M: We are not boyfriend and girlfriend but we are just friends with benefits

SB: OK, wait does that mean we can't kiss

M: No we can still kiss but we aren't really dating

SB: Ok i like that

M: Good I really gotta go now

SB: Ok come right back

M: I will

Morgana walks out and knocks on Regulas' door

R: Yes

M:Reg it is me let me in

R: Come in Mor

Morgana walks in and kisses Regulas and sees he is halfway packed

M: Reg You aren't packed yet

R: No help me please

M: Fine

They are about to start when Morgana just takes out her wand and does a spell and all of Regulas' stuff goes into his trunk.

M: There you are packed now let's go

R: Thank you Babe

M: Welcome now I gotta get Sirius' ass moving so I will meet you downstairs

R:Ok see you in a minute

Morgana walks out of Regulas' room and knocks on Sirius' door.

SB: Who is it

M: It is Morgana let me in now

SB: Come in

Morgana walks in and closes the door behind her.

SB: Well did he buy it

M: He didn't even ask about

SB: Good are we leaving now

M: Yes come on

SB: Coming

They walk downstairs and Morgana goes up to Regulas and kisses his cheek. They Apparate to Riddle Manor.

OK so do you guys like it and Yeah there is a plot twist. I feel like Voldemort right now but I don't care. I am feeling Generous today so You will get another update by midnight if my mum allows me. BTW I will probably be up until midnight writing this. Well, What do you think. Ok bye guys love you all. Love, Lily

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