Chapter 22 : What are the Chances?

Start from the beginning

            I've always loved a challenge, having things handed to you is too easy. So maybe, this match is made in heaven.

My father still sits quietly across from them, leaning his head into the palm of his hand. My whole body seems to be stuck in this paralyzed state. I can't find it in me to move, my mind still in the middle of processing what's happening. They're doing this to me? They're really doing this to me? My own parents!

Gem and the witch begin to talk, but it's all just static to me. Everything in my mind goes blank, my field of vision becoming more blurry by the second. Anger and betrayal makes my blood run hot. The muscles and ligaments in my entire body clenching with the bitterness of my emotions. Before I even realize it, my once short dull fingernails have extended out into a piercing length.

The warning signs have risen up, but I'm much to far gone to stop. The wolf inside of me is howling, scratching, bellowing inside of me. Telling me only one thing. There's no way in heaven or hell that either me or him are going to let Gem go. I refuse to believe that our meeting and everything afterwords were all pointless. Yes, I made mistakes. But fucking hell, I pay for it enough! Just seeing the barely contained anger brewing in her eyes, the distress and suffering.

All because of me. I just want this one chance, only one! I just want to be with her, to kiss her, to hold her, to talk with her! I want her to tell me stories about her army days, about all the times I wasn't there. I want to converse with her! God, I bet the most amazing ideas come from that brilliant mind of hers. Is that too damn much to ask?

In a flash, my father has me restrained. Bellows of a feral beast escaping my lips as his brute strength forces me down the hall and into our pack cellar. My rage is animal. Untamed and feral in nature. I thrash and claw the whole way, leaving deep cuts and slashes on my fathers back. The musty scent of blood fills my nostrils.

My father backs away as quickly as possible, shutting the giant metal door behind him in record speed. Our eyes clashing paths in the last moment before the mammoth of a door swings shut. It's a final effort. The entirety of my body slumps down into the floor, defeated. My dark gaze begs him not to, it pleads with him not to take her away. His eyes soften for me, watering with the deep wave of emotion coming from both me and my wolf. His wiser orbs fill with a deep pity and understanding, understanding only a wolf blood such as my father could feel.

For a split second, my hope returns. I latch on to the sliver of pain in his eyes, mistaking it for the weakening feeling of remorse. But my small ray of Hope is lost when the loud booming sound of the prison like door echoes through the cellar.

Screaming and howling, my body twisting and shaking with emotion, I'm sure everyone in the country can hear me. Everything goes stiff for a second. For just a second, I can hear the water running through the pack houses runny pipes, the repetitive pitter patter of the water hitting the concrete makes my skin crawl.

And then, it happens. There are no words to describe it. If anything, it's just like my first shift. But worse, much much worse. My whole body breaks out in cold sweat, and soon every inch of skin is covered in the salty fluid. It's like my muscles are being ripped apart and then sewed back together without anesthetic.

Everything is a blur. I can't see my right from left, it's so bad. Then it dawns on me. The ceremony has begun.

Every fight is more motivated, every thought must be heard, this really is it. There's nothing after this. Spasm after spasm wracks trough my body as if on cue. After a half a minute I feel it. A burning, gut wrenching pain washing over my shoulder, like a tidal wave. It feels like some one mixed toxic chemicals and decided to spill then on the joint between my neck and my shoulder

A disturbing hissing cackling sound fills the air. My skin boiling with painful heat. It can only be seconds- minutes at most- but it feels like hours. Then, all of a sudden it comes to an abrupt halt. Like it had never been there before, it vanishes. Leaving only the memories of the pain to remember it by.

What the hell is going on? Why did it stop? No, no, no, it can't be over! I won't give her up. Frantically, I search my mind for Gem. Praying to every god imaginable to let it not be true. I just had her, she was just there! Feeling hopeless and rejected, I close my eyes and curl into the floor. Then, a connection. My wolf makes contact with hers, the two of them still communicating. As I dig through myself, I am finally able to pick up a spark. A small flame of Gem's consciousness inside of my own.

I just let go. Boisterous laughter escaping my chapped lips like swan songs. My deep rumbling laughter echoes so greatly I can't even tell I'm crying with relief until I taste the salty proof when it hits my lip. I can't believe it, the bond isn't broken! I can't stop myself from howling a wolfs call of joy. She's still mine! The ritual didn't work!

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