Witches(Population Unknown)

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Through out human history, Witches have been placed as evil usually following a evil deity and have been burn at the stake.  But In real Detail witches aren't evil well not the same evil.  Witches are human of the kind it is  believed witches follow a deity of the name of Gaia and followed a code that is dedicated to life.   Known Evil witches are those who go against this code and kill for pleasure and no reason.  These witches are the witches that caused so much havoc during the older times.  

Witches are deities of life. They are solely connected to earth in special ways and all life is special.  There are different types of witches as their our different types of nature.

Fire Witches, Water witches, Wind witches, Nature Witches, and finally Heart witches.   Each witch is gifted with a respected talents.  Fire witches can manipulate high temperatures and fire and in rare cases mess with Lava.  Waters witches are witches who respectfully deal with all thing waters and water witches usually live in places were water is in abundances. Water witches and can manipulate and freeze making great counter parts to fire witches. Wind witches are witches that control wind and are usually found at high altitudes usually mountains. Wind witches are nomadic and constantly move.    Nature witches are witches that control all land these witches are usually in places were greenery is most found and tend to be very protective of where they live.

The finally of these witches are Heart witches. These witches are mentally in tuned with all living beings these witches have high physic powers.  Heart witches are considered the more rare and are usually leaders of a group.  

Witches use to be in large abundances and ranged through out all of earth but when the idea of Mortem Gaia  began this began the end of witches.  These witches who were called Mortems were witches who caused havoc making disease, famine, death, and rage.   These loved pain and would often kill just fun but also for spreading there ideas.   Mortems are always insane and are usually females who have lost all in lives.   When a Mortem is found in Witch society It is a right thing to kill them as it is the only way to save their spirt from serve punishment of Gaia.

The last Mortem by the name of Morgana began a murderous rampage and killed all of the royal family then began the Salem witch trials.     

It is believed all witches were killed till a sudden incident in 2003 but it has yet been confirmed.

Witches live very long lives because when a witch hits a certain age they become in tuned with earth's energy in which feeds them.

Witches have fragile hearts and it is believed love three loves in a life time.  Witches follow a queen who leads them and there are no such things as males.  Witches give birth through sexual reproduction with any species but with witches the chance of a hybrid child is very rare with a 10 % chance of success through conception. Witches are born not created and are the only race that are on allies with all the races.  Witches are also unqiue because witches go through a breeding ruts, usually when the race is low and they search for the best specimen to give their offspring the best chance.

Witches are very protective mothers, they in the ancient times children where never left unattendent. Witches will do anything to make sure a child will survive.  

With this also it creates the biggest taboo, the death of a child.  If a child is killed the witch who done this must pay with her life. 

Children in witches life are the pure essences of the beginning life.  So Children are sometimes the first killed by a Mortem Gaia.

A Rare ability given to some witches is the ability to shapeshift.  They are able to take the form of any creature for a period of time.  This ability is extremely rare only witnessed twice within a couple centuries.

It is also extremely rare for a witch to have more then one elemental power. This though in witch society is considered a myth.

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