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Mermaids are the most well known but also the most secretive of the Supernatural world.    Mermaids are known as a hybrid of fish and Human mixed hybrid and like fish and humans they vary in color and appearance. The mermaids are actually a mixed breed between the now extinct Homo Pisces and the ancient race of Banshee   Mermaids come in one species with a single subspecies the main species stay in sun light and twilight zone while the subspecies stays within the Midnight zone and rarely leave the that zone.

  Mermaids can vary in size but a Female can reach a size of 6 1/2 feet while males a little larger being 7 ft. Females weight usually reaches about 170 pounds and even more if pregnant. Males can weight twice the size of the females.

Mermaids look just like humans from the waist up the features vary depending on the region they live upon.  But they do have interesting features on A Mermaid.     Starting at the top the eyes of mermaids react to light retracting and expanding like a cats to adjust to the light un deep sea mermaids have very sensitive sight able to sea in the dark they have to be very careful when reach the surface as they can be blinded.  Mermaids have grown to have large sets of K-9's to tear into the flesh of fish and other things they may eat but unlike werewolves and vampires the K-9's aren't retractable in another form so they stay a length within there mouths but thank fully they aren't that noticeable but if you look really notice you can see a difference in their mouths.  A nose of a mermaid is somewhat similar to humans as there scent of smell isn't really that strong.  A mermaids sense of touch  and hearing are highly sensitive so sensitive they can detect earthquakes and sonar waves these help them locate and avoid certain predators.  There is nothing special about the neck regions as mermaids don't have gills but special lungs that allow them the ability to breath in and out of water.   

Mermaids are actually venomous thanks to barbs across the back arms and K-9's but these Venom is only available in females as it the only way these females can handle males larger then them selves.  The hands of Mermaids are clawed to have better grip on things from rocks to fish.  The tail of a mermaid will also vary depending on the genes of the parents  the detail of the tail from the colors.  Females are lighter then males to show off the they are dangerous just like real fish.

Mermaids have the ability to change from " Primal " to " Human" mode.  This has enable them to survive through out the centuries.

Mermaids have the ability to give a sonic scream and sirenic voice which has earned them there well known tales. Thanks to the scales Mer's have hard skin able to handle blows.  Mermaids have amazing speed underwater able to clock about 50 mph.  Mermaids also have the weird ability only able to few to handle large predators.  Some mermaids were blessed with the ability of water manipulation.

Mermaids speak a number of languages if they choose to but a language they speak to each other is called " Aaque."  

Mermaids are ruled by a queen and her mate but unlike human breeds the crown isn't passed down unless the next truly proves her self by showing she has courage and kindness. Mermaids are highly social creatures and have no short of Territory as they all share.  They are tight with family but do welcome outsiders who prove they care for the rest of the Pod.

Mermaids in the early centuries were nomadic till the 4th were the legend of Atlantis began as a deal and treaty for the witches and Merpeople the witches agreed to make place for the mermaids in the sea just for them and to protect them a spell was cast to give them safety. Atlantis's Location is actually unknown but it is believed to be in the Bermuda triangle.

Mermaids normal diet consist of fish and seaweed either raw or cooked but females need a special diet of deadly meats as it the only way they can help increase the toxicity of there venom and help level it. Merfolk grow there food within there Atlantis letting them breed and feed within there waters and then hunting and harvesting the food.  Merfolk encourage there young to practice hunting. 

The Common Food

- Tuna


- Mussles 


- Squid

-Some species of Shark


-Wild Salmon


Uncommon Foods

-  Seal

- Whale

- Lamprey

Mermaids hunt as a group one or two lure and chase the prey to a couple of mermaids who then have a net to catch the food or in other cases a mermaid will send a loud burst of sound to  make them unconscious.

Mermaids actually have a breeding season in which they use as it is easier for the group to deal with a group birth. The Mating ritual of the mermaids is a beautiful as both parents must show there strengths and weaknesses to the other parents if the other likes what that one shows they will choose them as their life mate. Mermaids don't have to be pregnant during mating season but they will have a strong instinct to reach the nesting grounds were they will help with birthing and eggs.  Mermaid actually have two sets of reproduction as some females may lay eggs while others may have a live birth depending on the reproduction system.  A Mermaid 's eggs can be carried out of water and stay out of water for about 73 hours but after that the eggs are non-viable after that and will die.  This is the worst nightmare for a mother and so she constantly watch over the eggs.  The gestation for the eggs are 4 months then when laid it takes 5 months for the embryo to develop completely.  The hatching varies during the mating season but the hatching or birth usually takes place in early to late spring.  The babes are just like any human baby helpless and mermaid young don't known how to swim and must learn the same as walking.  Both egg born or birthed must have breath of air and so mother usually have the eggs in small pools while birthing females on the beaches.   Mermaids have a bit longer lives then humans so offspring age just like human children.   Females don't develop their barbs and spikes till the age of puberty which is usually around 10-15. Males hit puberty around 10-16 during these time there are very irritable.

Mermaids made evolution is somewhat known as they evolved into mixed breed to create the known mermaid species.  Mermaid enemies are human hunter and Vampire as Vampire seem to love the taste of mermaid blood. They don't have any competitors.  Mermaids are allied with the Draco, Witches, and Fairy kind.

With this information I hope you now truly understand mermaid kind.

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