The Guide of Magic Creatures: Yosei

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Yosei is the smallest species of Faries standing only three feet they are considered pets to there related cousins.  Yoesi is the type of fairies that are often talked of in children's books.  They don't have a known human language but they give out small sounds.  Fairies like the Yosei are often found in thick woods and caved rocks. 

Yosei is extremely kind towards all creatures that show them kindness but they are often very fought by anger. They are the personality of a small child.  They are attracted to small children or kind souls. 

Yosei easily bonds with a person based on their persona. Yosei aren't only females like most fairies and are born with one single item and that item is called a flower of life.  A Flower of life is how Yosei are born.  This flower is very important to the continuation of the species but the problem is the flower is very hard to grow.  The only known way to grow the flower of life is to have a Queen Fairy grow the plant.

This can only happen on Blue Moon within the first days of spring. * The most famed Yosei is Tinkerbell from the story of Peter Pan. 

*Yosei are Prankster towards people they don't like.

Yoesi are omnivore eating different type of items.

Ex: Worms, Snakes, Mushrooms, and Leaves. 

Yosei also enjoys sweets and will steal to get such items.  With the change of Modern Age, Yosei now only found in the forest of Japan and Scotland. 

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