"Do they hurt you?" I asked worriedly. Maybe that's the only reason i felt worried because of the thought that they might hurt and do things to Louis and not that fact that they may hurt me.

"They can't hurt someone they haven't said a word to. Actually, i suppose that they could but they warm you up. Calling you names or messing with you in some way, that's normally the procedure." Relief washed over me. I wouldn't be able to stand Louis getting hurt by someone; he is so nice and funny and is my first real friend in a long time.

"Should I worry?"

"Maybe." He simply replied.

I wondered why such a short answer and was going to ask what he meant but I heard someone clear their throat behind me. Louis was already looking in the direction of the noise so I turned and of course, who stood behind me? Zayn Malik. He wore a smile on his face and he looked generally sweet. Harry stood beside him, also smiling. I looked at Harry in more detail. He had brown curly locks and piercing green emerald eyes. As he smiled his dimples showed. He had this charm to him and I understood why girls would like him.  Zayn still wore his ray bands so I still couldn't see his eyes. 

"Hey new kid." He smirked.

"I do have a name." I informed him. Wow, I'm actually being confident. I really like what this school is doing to me. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing we moved. Zayn sneered and gave Harry a look before looking back at me.

"What might that be?" He asked.

"Find out yourself, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard." I replied, smiling sweetly to him. After hearing what Louis had told me about them, i really don't want to talk to them. We never had a specific group that ran the school in Wolverhampton but instead a few little groups and they really did do their best to make my life hell.

"Right." He chuckled. "Well I'm Zayn and this is Harry." He gestured to Harry and he waved.

"Hiiii." His voice was very slow and low. I heard Louis laugh behind me and I turned to see him biting his lip, containing another laugh. I leaned in close to his ear.

"You laughing at Harry's low sexy slow voice?" I asked jokingly, which only made him laugh again and harder than before. I laughed along and for a moment I completely forgot that we were talking to Harry and Zayn. I was surprised to see Zayn holding back a laugh. Harry just stood there looking confused. Poor Harry. He seemed nice though, maybe he's not as bad as what he's said to be. Maybe that's the same with Zayn but I'll have to wait and see.

"Well it's nice to meet you. Now if you would excuse us we have to meet a friend and hopefully we will be able to find him before recess ends, seeing as though you came and talked to us for no reason at all." I said mordantly.

"Well we just came to say hey." He responded.

"Hi." I said and raised an eyebrow.

He smirked. "Well we better go to then." He nudged Harry's shoulder and they began walking around but before walking off he turned back to face me again. "I'll see you around Liam." He called out before walking away.

"Was that normal?" I turned and asked Louis.

"Not one bit, they don't acknowledge new people, ever. But we better go to Niall before he thinks we won't show up." He took my arm and dragged me along. 

I really don't know why I was so confident. I generally aren't one to make sly comments or use sarcasm, especially if I thought I could get a pounding because of it. That's how I was like at my last school anyways. They would call me names and tease me and if I were to move or say something to defend myself they would hurt me. I have a few scars but not as much as you may think. I think because it affected me so much emotionally that they kept doing it, so maybe by acting like I don't care Zayn and Harry won't do anything. That's what I'm going to do anyway. Not really take much notice of them or at least treat them like I would any other student. I don't see why they have special privileges and we have to treat them like they're better than everyone else. There not. They got the looks and charm but that doesn't make them gods. Apparently in this school it does.

Falling In (Ziam/with Larry AU)Where stories live. Discover now