8. Who would sleep forever this time?

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Don't skip chapter 7 as there's a new character.

I watched as my sister walked into the room where everyone else was. As soon as she walked in everyone stopped and looked at her appearance. They instantly remembered her from somewhere. This was a mistake. A very big mistake.

"Hey guys." She called out to them in her sweet menacing tone. I was wrong. She had done something wrong enough to be killed. She had been born, and then she was the favourite child; the teachers pet and the best friend. The worst thing was that she didn't even deserve that title.

"Hey, you're the popular one from secondary school aren't you?" Mark asked

"So popular that you can't even remember my name?"

"Um... No sorry."

"It's okay, I don't remember yours either." She walked over to Mark and held out her hand "I'm Olivia."

"Mark." He said shaking her hand.

"Okay, we will get the proper introductions done later but everyone this is Olivia. Olivia this is everyone else." I waited before continuing "So everyone needs to sit down again so that you can continue playing pass the parcel."

"What a lame party, you're playing pass the parcel together. What else have you been playing, musical chairs?"

"You're right Olivia. It's a shame that you missed it because now you're going to be last."

"So what do you get for coming 6th?" Ben asked

"Good question. I think it'll be a free dare card for first and then the rest will follow as before."

"Which is?" Olivia asked. Charlie explained to her the prize for each place. They started playing pass the parcel with each other. The first time the music stopped it was on Ben, then Olivia and then Taylor. All if them got a packet of haribos each. For the next couple of rounds there were a range of packets of chewy sweets and small chocolate bars.

"I think it's near the end now." Taylor said excitedly

"Oooh, I wonder what the prize is." Harrison said thinking of the possibilities in his mind. Two more rounds passed without the main prize becoming unwrapped. The music suddenly stopped and I had no idea who the winner was.

"I won! It's the prize" Olivia exclaimed. Why didn't I cheat; Olivia shouldn't have won.

"What's the prize?" Taylor asked upset that the new girl won the prize.

"Um... I'm not entirely sure." She turned it round and shook it so that it rattled and something black with eight legs fell out. "OMG! It's massive."

"What is it Olivia?" Ben asked knowing exactly what it was.

"It's a... A spider. A massive, hairy, black, ugly spider."

"I didn't know you hated spiders so much Olivia" Maybe she was the right person. Everyone was either trying to chase the spider or run away from it. I couldn't do anything; I couldn't even stop myself from laughing.

"Everyone needs to sit down now." I needed them to count up their prizes.

"But there's a huge spider in here. We can't just sit down and relax." Olivia shrieked

"I didn't tell you to relax." I replied. With that they all sat down and started to count their prizes. "Remember it's one point for a packet of sweets, two for chocolate bars and five for the main prize." I laughed again remembering the scene a few moments ago.

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