5. This should be funnier than people on laughing gas

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"Why's everyone asleep?" Charlie asked through watery eyes.

"It's called laughing gas." I said as if it was the most simplistic thing. "But the funny thing is the only people who get to laugh are the people who aren't affected by it." Charlie didn't look impressed with my joke. "Okay, so what are you going to do about it?"

"There's nothing I can do, all I can do is check their pulses and make sure their alive."

"You are a clever boy aren't you Charlie?"

"You sound like a parrot."

"Thank you"

"That wasn't a compliment"

"I know, but I'll take it as one."

"Fair enough." Once he said this he too was beginning to be affected by the laughing gas. And oh boy, it was hilarious. "Ooh, this is a strange feeling." Charlie started before falling over Mark's legs and falling asleep. Luckily nobody woke till the next day, so I had plenty of time to sort out Ben's game.

His game consisted of a bench, a rolled up rug held together with elastic bands, an upside down chair, a sofa and several other pieces of furniture. Basically he had tried to plan a deadly obstacle course. There was boiling water at one end and then throughout the course there was a selection of pins and other spiky things that I didn't even know about until Ben told me. If they fell of then they had to pick a dare. But the best part is that they have to be blindfolded whilst they're doing it. This should be funnier than people on laughing gas.


"Charlie, why are you laying in my legs?" Mark asked obviously unaware of the occurrences of last night.

"Um... I um... I don't remember anything." He said looking around hoping that it would remind him of yesterday. "Does anyone else remember?"

"No, all I remember is coming in here to plan the game, planning the game and then talking to the voice above to get everything ready. After that I don't remember anything at all." Ben answered.

"What's your game about?" Taylor asked hoping that it wouldn't be another twisted twister or something like that.

"Basically it's an obstacle course but you're blindfolded"

"I feel like there's more"

"If you fall, you get a dare and depending on where you fall off, depends what you fall on." Ben said quickly under his breath.

"Thanks for the explanation Ben, please head through to the main room, I have one more thing to explain."

I watched them all walk through the room before watching the door. If anyone would break through I want it to be now.

Nothing happened, not a sound, not a movement.

"So, what is it then big guy?" Paul asked unsure of what the answer would be. I wasn't happy about the 'guy' part but they would find out about that soon enough.

"Um... Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I looked back at the front door before continuing. "The final thing I need to tell you is if someone comes through the front door, they will die, if any of you decide it would be clever to try to escape the same would happen to you." They all turned around to look at the door. "You can't get back through that door until everyone completes the obstacle course.

"Wait so does that mean we could never be let out of this room?" Taylor asked with her fingers crossed tightly. As if that would make a difference.

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