2. When I'm bored of the game, or when you're all dead

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This Chapter is not the best but it should now introduce you to all of the characters.

"Our game today is going to be slightly different to yesterday's game" I spoke to the crowd of now only seven people. I felt like a teacher, it was a wonderful feeling and the best thing was that I didn't have to do any marking. However, in close second place was the fact that if anyone annoyed me I could just kill them.

As soon as I thought that nobody was going to ask me for the rules a drop out named Harrison decided to perk up, "What are the rules today then?"

"Thank you for answering me Harrison, you must realise that I hate being ignored. Anyway today you are going to be playing a game you probably played when you were younger. It's called hangman..."

"I'm assuming that this isn't the ordinary hangman, is it?" Taylor asked more like a statement.

"You are a clever one aren't you?" She didn't look impressed at the half compliment. "You're right, this is no ordinary hangman. The rules are: You pick a letter; I'll tell you if you're right or not. However, if you do not get the word or phrase before the man is hung, the person who said the last letter gets a dare. Then the game continues as yesterday and then repeats"

"Oh... So when do we stop playing?" Paul asked

"When I'm bored of the game, or when you're all dead"

"I didn't know that you could die from the dares"

"You clearly have trouble listening then, don't you Paul?"

"I was onl-" Paul started

"Paul, I would suggest that you shut up" Taylor began but then seeing Paul's confusion continued "The only way to not get killed is to do the dares and to make sure that you are liked by the master upstairs, at the rate you're going you're likely to die tonight"

"Nearly Taylor, there is another way to die" Before I continued by speech, I waited for their reaction. "If you all keep distracting yourselves by talking instead of playing my game, I might have to make one of you ... disappear."

"Fine, whatever, let's get on with it then." Taylor said abruptly

The screen for the game came down at an agonisingly slow pace. Then the lines appeared and I waited for someone to guess a letter.

"So there are only five letters in the first word" Paul stated as if it was the smartest thing ever

"Tick, tock"

"A" Mark suggested

I said nothing but filled in the third gap in

"Okay, let's try an E" Taylor said with confidence, like she was certain she was right.

Again, I said nothing and filled the second gap in.

"Wow... we're good at this"

"Don't speak too soon" I mumbled

"Okay, maybe S" Harrison suggested, hoping that it would be right, he couldn't bear being the one to let them down.

There was a scraping sound as I drew the first line for the hangman to be hung. "Be careful" I said in a patronising tone.


"Shhhhh" I said "If you attract any attention you're all dead before you can say the answer to this game"

"Sorry Taylor, I just worked out that there probably won't be anymore vowels so we have to try other letters"

"For someone who dropped out of school, you're not too dumb" Mark commented, clearly seeing the funny side of the situation.

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