He continued to escort me out of the hangar and we walked down several hallways, my fear rising with every footfall. Where's he taking me? Why? What does he want? I inquired worriedly in my head. I wiped my sweaty palms on the front of my skin-tight training pants. 

The stormtrooper abruptly shoved me to the side and I realized we were off in a separate enclosed section. It was really secretive and my mind began racing fast. Is he going to kill me???

He took off the helmet and revealed to me a young man with pale skin and midnight colored hair. His greedy dark brown eyes looked me up and down and I avoided looking at his face. 

"There's been rumors about you and Kylo Ren . . . I want to see if they're true." He breathed in a low and intimate voice. I raised an eyebrow, which is the most courageous action I could muster. Rumors about Kylo Ren and I?, I thought curiously. What is he talking about? 

I wanted to tell him off, to shove him off me, but fear overtook my body and I couldn't stop him from beginning to grope my chest. I was repulsed by him and his hands. A whimper escaped my pressed lips when he grabbed me hard and it hurt. I then tried to tune out of this wretched situation and think of other nicer things but his obnoxious touching kept bringing me back into my horrid reality. 

I wanted to throw up. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream for help. I wanted to beat his ass. But I couldn't. I couldn't do anything, not even move to push him off of me. Anger rose in me several times and almost burst out but then it deflated because I knew how weak I was.

Suddenly, a low-pitched whoosh followed by a scream brought me out of my wishful thoughts of death and the disgusting hands of that anonymous pervert left my body. I shut my eyelids tightly and cowered against the wall I'd been pressed against. 

I slowly opened my eyes and looked to see who my savior was. It almost didn't surprise me that it was Kylo Ren. However, he wasn't looking at me.

He brought his lightsaber forcefully down on the already-dead body of the stormtrooper three more unnecessary times. 

Kylo Ren then stood up straight, his deathly red saber hanging at his side. He looked down at the stormtrooper's mangled body. His chest rose and fell heavily and I could hear his breathing through the mask. 

I couldn't bring myself to look down at the stormtrooper for fear I would throw up so I continued to watch Kylo Ren. 

He finally turned to look at me through the mask. His lightsaber retracted by Kylo Ren's doing and was put on his belt. He then advanced aggressively towards me and I flinched, but he didn't hurt me. He grabbed my forearm and yanked me out of the secluded area. 

He angrily dragged me down through hallways -- well, not really dragged, I just could barely keep up   -- until we reached his quarters. He pulled me in. Once the door shut he immediately released my forearm and turned to look at me. His chest still rose mightily up and down and it really surprised me I could still hear his breathing. Usually his breaths were muted by his mask. I came to the solution that he must be really, really pissed.

He didn't speak for a while, and I couldn't bring myself to say the first words. Finally his breathing calmed to the point where I couldn't hear it again. 

"What did he do to you?" His voice was lower-pitched than usual and he slowly enunciated every word. "That was--" I coughed to clear my throat because my voice was small and weak, "That was all. What you saw, well, that was it."

Kylo Ren looked at me for a few more short moments and then began pacing back and forth in an aggressive manner.

"We'll need to send all of the stormtroopers in for a re-evaluation . . . This can't happen again . . . I'll get us back to clones . . ." He continued to mutter to himself and I began to get a little confused. 

"Why are you so mad?" I asked quietly and shyly. I did not want to upset him again.; even asking that innocent question felt risky. I'd seen what he did to the pervert and I didn't know if he was capable of doing it to me or not, but I didn't want to find out. 

"Why am I so mad?" He exclaimed, turning to me. "Because he was not given that command! Because that is inappropriate and disorderly! Because you are mine, and because that is not correct conduct for a trained stormtrooper! I'm angry because if one stormtrooper is acting out of place who knows about the rest of them?" 

I only got four words out of that explanation. The words gave me a tingly feeling in my chest and made my heartbeat irregular. The phrase kept playing over and over in that deep and defiant metallic voice. Because you are mine, because you are mine, because you are mine, because you are mine . . . 

I didn't question his words about me. I didn't want to make him more upset, even though I wanted to know the meaning of the words 'because you are mine' so bad. What did he mean?

Kylo Ren then started towards the door. I quickly shuffled out of his way. "Nira, stay here. Do not dare leave. I will be back before you fall asleep." 

I didn't respond to him. He left the cell and the door shut after his furious walking out. 


Author's Note

AHHH! Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Friday night I moved from my mom's to my dad's, all Saturday I had a track meet, last night I went to my friends house and I just got home! I'm so sorry!

If you liked this chapter please vote and leave a comment if you like making my day! Hahaha!

I'll try to update again before tonight ends! Bye guys :)


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