Chapter 18 "The Witching Hour"

Start from the beginning

I exhaled.

Hit by a wave of special effects fog, and the base of instrumentals, I knew exactly where I was now. The more I ambled down the hall, the louder the music became as a flickering of lights flashed. A larger club than I had anticipated, I made it closer to the dance-floor. To my right, bodies gathered in the lounge and other areas they could fit. Every inch of space occupied as I maneuvered through the crowd, slithering around one sweaty body after another. And this wasn't even the dance-floor.

I felt a sense of ease, but I was lost without Arion as I scoured the dance floor, searching for any signs of him. Impossible—this was pointless as my gaze wandered aimlessly into the sea of glistening body parts gyrating to the beats.

"Lydia!" yelled a voice as I struggled against the current of hot bodies.



I turned around.

"What's up—girly!" yelled a voice.

"Cammy!" I yelped, embracing him tightly.

I didn't want to let go.

"Girl—you a mess," shouted Cameron, grabbing my hand and pulling me in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" I shouted.

"Restroom—I need to fix you up, child!"

It worked—I did cross dimensions back into my world, but where was Arion—Or, Asag? I had to find them.

The door shut behind us as Cameron guided me to an empty sink.

"Girl! What happened to yo hurr—"


"—It's a total wreck. And what the hell you got on? Nuh—uh!"


"You don't dare come to the hottest club in New York wearing duds like tha—"


—What girl?"

"I need your help!" I snapped.

"Nuh—uh, that's not all you need. Honey—let's start with a breath mint," scoffed, Cameron, handing me a stick of Double Mint gum as he added, "Seriously—put that in your mouth and chew!"

I just grabbed Cameron's wrist and pulled him out of the restroom, avoiding a power struggle. Not waiting for his approval, we bolted toward the entrance.

"—Girl, if you don't let go of my hand," hissed Cameron.

"Whoa!" yelled a deep voice.

"Well—Hey—HEY, tall and beautiful," said Cameron, batting his eyes.

I turned toward the bouncer, responding, "Excuse us."

"Girl—you'd better let go!" snapped Cameron, finally pulling his arm free.

"See for yourself!" I shouted.

"See what?"

Across the street, a group of men in dark suits trotted toward us.

"See what!" shouted Cameron again.

"Wait for it," I said, getting into position.

Cameron would have to witness Hell for himself—Then, he'd believe me.

"Where you running off to, pretty," shouted one of the guys walking toward us.

"Go to hell!" I yelled, glaring over at the bouncer. "RAPE!"

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