"Welcome to the Tsukuyomi. The Nightmare Realm. This is actually supposed to be a Sharingan specific Jutsu, and one you can't break out of."

"You're so cool!"

"You won't be thinking that when we're done here. Time and space, even physical mass. I control all of them. I will break you, and then I will continue to torture you." Sasuke said, before he disappeared.

"Sasuke-kun!" She shouted, before he appeared in front of her, Naruto doing... indecent things behind him.

"Pound it! Come on!"

Ino screamed as she watched it, unable to blink, or close her eyes to avoid watching it for what seemed to be an entire hour, before the image dissipated. "71 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds to go."

'What?' Ino screamed mentally. For what seemed to be another 20 days of torturing her mind, and mental prospect of him, he spoke again. "42 hours, 7 minutes, and 27 seconds to go." She screamed out loud.

"Now that you have nearly been broken mentally, time for the next point. Physical torture." Ino appeared on a cross, Sasuke appeared in front of her, a Katana appeared in his hand. He stabbed her in the stomach. "You won't be able to die here, unless I will it. I could kill you where you are now, but that wouldn't bring me any satisfaction. You're the only fangirl I have left. As such, I will be taking out all my hatred of Fangirls... on you."

She would've gasped, if it didn't cost her breath. 4 more Sasuke's appeared, each of which holding a Katana. He stabbed her Left Lung, her right arm, her right Kidney, and just below her waist. Another one sprouted from her chest from behind. This one missed her heart by an inch. Several other Ino's appeared, all of which tied to a separate Cross.

She kept screaming until it all faded.


Sasuke and Ino stood there for 3 seconds, before Ino collapsed, and Sasuke turned around. "She's done. I'd be surprised if she woke up within 3 weeks."

Naruto narrowed his eyes. "Tsukuyomi?"

"It's either that or one of the more dangerous ones. I wasn't planning on explaining that one, though."

"And how do you plan on explaining what you did to Kakashi-sensei?"

"Say it was something that the Dragon's gave me. After all, I was using the Eye of the Dragon to use it. It's a neat way to perform the Mangekyo Jutsu without any true problems. I could just say that the eye of the Dragon has a few similar abilities, but only a summoner of the Dragons could wield it, and only after going through a harsh training."

"That's a good thought. Just one problem."Naruto paused. "How do you plan on explaining what you do with that?"

"Heh. You'd be surprised. I know there is going to be another Month before the Final portion begins. That's when I'm going to hone it, something I have yet to do."

"Good idea." Fu added. "If everyone else thinks it's a Jutsu from the Dragon Summonings, they may question how he found it, if only to add it into the village. It won't happen easily."

"If they ask that I do so, I'll tell them the truth. I didn't find them. They found me. They tested me. And I passed. Plain and simple. They still believe that I'm loyal to them. They are fools."Sasuke stated.

"Watch it Sasuke." Hinata warned. "You don't want to get hit for Treason do you?"

"My loyalties lie with the Dragons first. Naruto is second. The village is Third."

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