"He can try. Not sure if he can, but it will take at least 3 weeks to do have it made. The lack of materials is one problem, which he has covered with a C-rank, but that will take a while." Hinata replied. "Anything else we should know?"

"Yeah, think he could make one for me as well?" Sakura asked. "Without your Team Logo of course. I'm good with the standard, and that Youki repulsing ability should come in handy."

"Oh? And why is that?" Sasuke asked.

"Ran into a red head from Sunagakure earlier." Sakura said, earning raised eyebrows. "He seemed to have 2 Chakra signatures. I learned a lot about sensory abilities, but I didn't pick up the other one until after I looked straight at him from maybe 10 feet away. Until then, I didn't even notice. It seemed... dangerous." Hinata caught the look on her face and her eyes widened.

Sasuke caught the reaction. "Sakura. Name. Looks. We need that kind of information."

Sakura raised an eyebrow at that. "Do I even want to know why?"

"Because if he turns his full fury on you, you'll die." Sasuke said, earning wide eyes. "Out of our entire graduating class, if only the second Chakra you found in him is the dangerous one, Naruto and I are the only ones that stand a chance against him. Naruto more so than me."

"Why him?" Sakura asked.

"His bloodline finally activated." Hinata told her. "It will be especially useful for people like Gaara."

Sakura sighed at that, and nodded. "Red hair, brownish green eyes, Kanji for Love on his forehead. Left side. He seems to carry a giant Gourd on his back everywhere." Sasuke and Hinata nodded at that.

"If he goes up to you, do not fight him. If it's an official match, forfeit before it even begins." Sasuke said. Earning a nod, and then a look of shock as she turned to Hinata.

"How did you know his name?"

"Took a guess. But Sasuke is right. Let your team know not to mess with him. If provoked, he may just kill you. If he doesn't, the least that is likely to happen is the end of your Ninja Career." Hinata replied, earning a look of awe from Sakura. "This is no joke. If he is mentally unstable, as I heard he was, then there is nothing that will stop him once he gets in a killing mood. Even Naruto would be questionable in that. Sasuke? No chance. The Hokage, no chance."

"Why would only a Genin be questionable, but the Hokage would have no chance?"

"The Yondaime Hokage was said to have killed the Kyuubi, correct?" Hinata asked, earning a nod. "That was wrong. The Kyuubi is still alive, and being purified as we speak. The Yondaime couldn't kill it, but its cage is purifying it. Something that would actually give Naruto an advantage over him. His bloodline would easily seem hard-wired for Demon Slaying. That's what Gaara has within him."

"That's just wrong." Sakura admitted. "Don't tell me he was treated like a Demon as well."

"From what I know, he has." Hinata admitted. "Come on, Sakura. You and I need to talk."

"I already figured out about Naruto, just from what you said." Hinata and Sasuke tensed a bit. "And right now, I could really care less if he was or not. He's not someone I'm worried about. I'm not going to go after him because he has more in him than Sasuke-kun. I'm good where I'm at relationship wise, but I should still get stronger."

Sasuke then took on a thoughtful look. "You said you had perfect Chakra Control, right?"

"Yeah, I always do." Sakura replied.

"Hinata, do you have one of those Chakra Cards?"

"You want to see her affinities?"

"Only to prove a theory." Hinata pulled one out and handed it to her. "Channel Chakra into it."

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