"This happens to be the original copy of it." Sarutobi looked at Naruto. "Where did you manage to find it?"

"The estate I've been staying at. That's the exact same one my fiance had looked at." Naruto stated. "As you can tell, the document happens to be old, and I made a copy in case someone decides to get rid of it. The hospital doesn't have records of me, except for when I was in there after I was born. None of my birth records are there, as they were placed in the estate long ago."

Sarutobi stated. "These documents are completely real. Take a good look at it, and you will find just what you have done." He passed around the Birth Certificate, and everyone was either disgusted, shocked, or flat out surprised. Hiashi and Teuchi were the only exceptions. Hiashi because he was informed, Teuchi, because he figured that's who they were.

"Are you aware of the consequences of your actions regarding the Heir to not one, but 2 nearly wiped out Clans?" Naruto stated. "I have gone over every law passed since the creation of this village. I have each and every piece memorized. I am also aware of the Clan Restoration Act, which I would fall under. I will tell you right here and now, it will not happen without restrictions."

"That is not possible." Shibi Aburame stated.

"Quite the opposite, actually." Naruto stated. "I said I have read up on any and all laws passed since the creation of this village. That means the CRA as well. During the Nidaime's reign, there was a small piece added to it. Lord Hokage, second page of the packet in the folder. I took the liberty of highlighting it. It clearly states that, if the male in question requests it, then they can provide circumstances for acceptance. I have the option to either take it or not, and if I do, then I can name my conditions for it if I wish."

"He's right. It is there." Sarutobi stated, before passing it around. The councilors, civilian and shinobi, were surprised at how he got a hold of that kind of knowledge, bar Hiashi. He was completely in the know of what Naruto has been doing.

"What will it take to put you in the CRA, Young Naruto." Shikaku asked.

"The way anyone else goes under it is not the way I would prefer it. That practically sells political power, which no one truly needs. As such, the first condition is the ones I marry will only marry me because of their own choice, not because they were coerced, forced, or asked to. Second, they must love me for me, and not what my parents had, or the name. There will be a total of 3 that will be able to determine this. As such, I would have the right to refuse someone that asks."

The Haruno representative glared at him. "You will not refuse my daughter."

"Unfortunately for Sakura, Ms. Haruno, she's already taken. I've been overseeing her relationship with someone else. As such, she is not on the list of candidates. At this point, there are only 2 possibilities, and they already have confirmation. One is not of this village, either." Naruto stated. "Sakura Haruno is currently in a relationship with Sasuke Uchiha, and I have been watching over it at Sasuke's request. I have been aware of it from the beginning, as well. She has started becoming a True Kunoichi, as he wanted."

"Wait... That's why she's been coming home sweaty these days... How are you in the know of this?" Any hatred of Naruto was gone in that statement. There was only curiosity in it, and that confused the other Civilian Councilors.

"The only reason the relationship started was because of a bet while we were in the Ninja Academy. I won the bet, and it turned up more results than I had anticipated. The result was Sasuke giving her advice on how to score a date with him. I am not allowed to share that information, and she would not reveal it herself. She has not stopped improving herself since. As of 6 days ago, I have stopped watching over her, as I believe it to be unnecessary. I can only stated 2 that he would be somewhat interested in at our age, and one of them is taken already. Ino Yamanaka, I am sorry Inoichi, does not meet the requirements Sasuke himself laid out. She is still classified as a fangirl in his eyes." Naruto explained. "I could go on, but I wouldn't want to bore you with the details."

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