Meanwhile, when everyone were cleaning up the mess that the masked man caused. And as soon as they're done cleaning up the mess, the gang unexpectedly has been transported to Miami, and that includes the new guardians and wits from the academy.
"Where are we?" Andi asked herself and to the others as she slowly wakes up as the others did.
"I think we're in Miami," Diego stated followed by Maddie asking as she gets up with the help of her panthers, "what makes you say that?"
"It's because we are," Diego stated as he pointed in front of him as they all looked in shock.
"Is that-?" Andi said confused and shocked as she was interrupted by Diego saying, "its me. And another guy."
As Andi focuses more at the image I. Front of her, she said, "it's Daniel."
"Who is Daniel?" Katie asked as Andi responded in shock, "you don't remember who he was, Emma and I are the only ones who knows the truth about Daniel."
"What are you talking about, Andi Cruz?" Maddie asked impatiently and annoyed as Andi said, "we're back in time."
As everybody goes silent and confused? they looked at Andi as she explained, "-in a timeline that shows the truth about what happened in our past."
"If what you're telling is true," Maddie said. "Then why didn't we know who that other guy was with Daniel."
"It's because this timeline was erased," Andi finally said. "It creates a new one."
"That still doesn't explain why we don't remember any of this," Katie said followed by Andi saying, "it's because-"
She paused. "Emma was the one who did it. And no one else knows about it, but me and Emma."
"Why you though?" Maddie asked but Andi doesn't want to answer as she looked away, hoping they wouldn't let her answer Maddie's question.
"Andi, why?" Luke finally asked as he looked at her and continued, "why do you remember all of this, but them?"
"It's because," she paused. "Emma cast a spell for me to remember?"
"Why?" Maddie asked.
"The same reason why she sent me to the wits academy," Andi said and paused. "She wants me to become her official guardian."
Luke green become silent and looked down as the story goes.

Jax's POV:
What happened?
I was in the guess room of the wits academy, and now, I'm in some big and fancy place. It looks like a big mansion.
"Where am I?" I asked myself.
Until now I know where am I when I heard someone coming down the stairs.
"Jax!" Someone called me. "I'm going to the office. Look after the house when I'm gone. And do not have any parties."
When I see him clearly, it turns out to be my dad. I just looked at me him in shock and no word were coming out. I didn't have any words I have to say. I was staring at him blankly as if I had seen a ghost or someone.
"Understood!?" He yelled at me which made me repeat what he said in fear as he left afterwards.
"Yes, father."
I was shocked and didn't know what I'm supposed to do now.
I sat down on the couch speechless and confused as Jax Junior came towards me with a tray of food as he said, "more snacks, Mr. Jax?"
"Jax Junior?" I said confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Offering you snacks, sir." He responded.
But with the shock I felt, I didn't want any as I pushed him away and shook my head. So I then headed out in a hurry as I grabbed my leather jacket and wore it on my way out.
And when I did, I saw that I was in Miami. What am I doing here?
I then take a look around and I saw some familiar and unfamiliar faces that I may or may not know. But the weirdest thing is, I saw myself on the streets, and it was six years ago, the first time I moved into town with dad. When I was riding my motorcycle to my new school, Iridium High, where I first met Emma and the others.
I can't believe it. I then ran off confused and didn't believe what I saw. I ran and ran, until I bumped into the others, who were standing in front of Emma's house.
"Jax!" Andi said in shook. "You're here too?"
"Andi." I said as I saw all of the a handing there confused. "What are we doing here? Where are me?"
"We're back in time, Jax," Maddie responded as I chuckled a big in disbelief as I said, "that's not possible."
"Well, it is, Jax." Andi said as I take a look around and noticed something weird, then I look back at Andi and asked her, "where's Emma?"
As soon as they look around and noticed that she's not there, they don't know where she is, I started panicking and getting so angry. "Where is she!?"
"Jax, calm down," Katie said followed by Andi saying, "we're going to find her Jax, don't worry, she's my best friend too."
"How, Andi?" I said. "We don't even know where we are. And how we got here."
"Jax, we will find her," she said. "That's what we do."
Before I could say something, I was interrupted when I heard a voice from my side. It sounded like Emma.
When I turn my head like the others, I saw her, and then Andi came next as she and Emma just met at what I saw in my eyes.
"Andi, is that you?" Luke asked as Andi responded in shock, "that's impossible." She paused. "This was seven years ago."
"How is this possible?" I asked as I watched that moment repeat right before my eyes.
"Love my little spell," we all heard a voice in our head as he continued, "you'll be in here some quite sometime and you won't be able to escape my little memory trap spell."
"Who are you!?" I yelled in frustration. "Where's Emma!? What do you what from us!?"
"That's not a question I need to answer, Jax Novoa," he said in our heads. "Maybe someday you will know, or maybe you won't."
And then he's gone.
"Who are you!?" I yelled but no one would answer as I struggle in not knowing what he did to Emma Alonso.

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