Shane sat with Nathan and me the whole forum. We talked a lot and I got to know him a bit better.

Our next class was English, and walking in I saw that Shane was in our class.

"Hello class, we have a new student joining us. His name is Shane." Mr. Hampton said gesturing to Shane. "You can sit next to Nicki," he said as Shane shuffled over to his seat to the right of me. Nathan seemed to growl from my left as Shane took his seat.

"Now, we are going to start a small project that will be due in the morning. I want everyone to pick a partner," Mr. Hampton said.

Instead of looking to my left, to Nathan, I looked to my right, where Shane sat. "Would you like to be my partner Shane?" I asked. Shane is new so I wanted to be nice, and I'm sure Nathan will be able to find a partner.

"Yeah, sure!" he said smiling.

I gave a small peek over at Nathan and he was frowning at me. 'I'm sorry' I mouthed to him as Mr. Hampton handed out our materials for the project.

"So, I'll see you tonight," I said to Shane as the bell rang and we gathered our stuff. He gave me a smile and left for his next class.

"What? Tonight? What are you guys doing tonight?" Nathan asked, his voice raising a bit.

"Our project," I said. "Shane doesn't have a free period today, so we can't work on it here."

"Why can't you just work on it here after school?" Nathan asked.

"Because he has other stuff to do." I sort-of snapped.

"Why did you pick him as your partner anyway?" Nathan growled.

"Because he's new and I wanted to be nice!" I almost yelled. At that, I grabbed my things from around my desk and trudged on to my next class, which I didn't have with Nathan, thank goodness.

Later that night, around 7:30, I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see it was Shane. I had half wished it was Nathan because we hadn't talked since English, even though we had other classes together. He totally ignored me today. I knew he would get a little upset about not being my partner, but I didn't know he'd get this mad and lash out at me then ignore me.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked Shane as he took off his shoes and walked into the living room.

"No, thanks," he said as he took off his bag and sat on the couch.

"Okay," I said plopping down next to him. "Ready to do this thing?" I asked grabbing my things from my bag.

"Let's do it," he said giving me a small grin.

For the project we had to choose two poems out of our books and analyze them, making notes on the grammatical patterns we noticed.

"I really can't figure this line out," Shane said as we looked over our poems.

"Let me see," I said extending my hand out for him to give me his notebook. He set it in my hand then slid closer to me. I have to admit I was a little uncomfortable but I ignored it. "Which line?" I asked.

"Uh, this one," he said pointing to the line that he had scribbled down. His handwriting was easy to read at least.

I read it over and began to explain it to him. I could notice out of the corner of my eye that Shane was leaning in closer to me. I felt his hand on my lower thigh and felt his warm breath on my cheek. I was starting to feel uncomfortable and began leaning into the arm of the couch.

"Nicki," Shane said, interrupting my talking as his hand moved higher up my thigh. I turned to look at him. His face was only inches from mine. I looked at his eyes and was instantly lost in his brown sparkling orbs.

We just stared at each other for the longest time, then he started moving closer to me. I knew what he was doing, but I didn't move. I did like Shane a bit, okay. He was nice and cute and stuff, but I just couldn't kiss him, at least not yet. I mean we just met today.

I still hadn't moved though and our faces were getting closer, well his was getting closer to mine. Suddenly, I heard a door open then close and some one clear their throat. That was enough to snap me out of my trance and move away from Shane. I peaked over his shoulder and saw Nathan standing over by the front door with his arms crossed.

"Nathan," I said trying not to show my relief that he had interrupted in my voice. He just stood there staring at me. I felt a blush rise to my cheeks and began to feel hot. Shane still had his hand on my thigh, and I could feel it burning while it sat there. "Could I talk to you for a moment," I said as I got up and out of Shane's grasp. "I'll be just a minute," I said to Shane as I drug Nathan into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped. "You just thought you could barge in?" It really wasn't weird for Nathan to do that, we knew each other so well that sometimes we'd just walk in if we didn't feel like having to wait for them to open the door.

"Well, I thought you guys would be done by now!" he snapped back.

"Why would you think that? You came here to spy on us didn't you?" He just adverted his gaze. "What is it you've got against Shane?"

"Well I couldn't have come at a better time, because he was about to kiss you!" He knew that I wasn't the one to move quickly in a relationship, and Shane and I weren't even in one to start with.

"He was not!" I defended even though I knew full well he was. "I was helping him."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. You're welcome for saving you," he said with a smirk. I was actually really glad he came. I couldn't find it in myself to say "no" to Shane so it was going to be super awkward if he actually made it to kissing me. But I didn't want to tell Nathan that, I couldn't let him have the satisfaction.

"Well, for not talking to me all day you sure have a lot to say now," I snapped at him.

"I'm sorry for that okay. I just don't think Shane is the type of person to hang around," he replied.

"How would you know anything about him? You didn't even give him a chance!" I said raising my voice a little.

"I-i just don't like him okay," he said. "I mean by what I walked in on, I would think you'd be on my side about him."

"Just because he was making a move on me doesn't mean we can't move past it and be friends. He's very nice and friendly." Why was he like this? Nathan has always been an accepting person. Did Shane do something that he didn't like? "I don't see why you don't like him." I said shaking my head.

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes "Just tell me you won't hang out with him anymore," he asked pleadingly.

"I still don't see why Nathan, but I promise I'll stay away from him if you think I should."

"Good," he said taking me into a hug.

I didn't know why Nathan was acting this way. He has never been like this before. He always has my best interest in mind, though, as my best friend, so I let it go.

"Sorry about that," I said walking back into the living room. I noticed that Shane had packed up his stuff.

"Yeah, its okay. I should be the one to apologize. But I think I'll go home now. I can finish on my own," he said as we walked to the door.

"If you're sure, then I guess I'll see you later," I said as he stepped outside.

"Bye Nicki," he said as he walked away.

A/N - Hey readers! :) i almost disn't get this chapter done for you guys this week. :/ i've been quite busy. But, yay, i got it done for ya. Hope you are liking it so far. Again, i would love to hear some feedback in the comments! That would be wonderful! Vote, comment, fan, share, haha do whatever ;) Thank you for reading! - Cassie

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