Future Memories- fma

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Future Memories by ZaKai on fanfiction.net


Young Major Roy Mustang stops and asks Trisha Elric for directions when a young Ed messes around with alchemy and brings Colonel Mustang and Major Elric from the future to the past. (RoyxEd)

I really like this story because you can see the interaction between young Ed and older Ed and between the two Mustangs. It's also kinda sad because Ed gets to see and talk with his mom and again, but it's beautiful and nice to see a story with the mom and how she reacts to everything that happens. Also it was nicely written (my pet peeve is grammar and badly written stories... Which is part of the reason I don't like to look at my stories). But if you don't mind Roy and Ed stories, (there was only a few mentions of it, nothing explicit) and like FMA go check it out. It's pretty short only a few chapters, so it's a nice fast read.

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