Cyber Punks- fma

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Cyber Punks by Morgstang on

Year 2100. Despite his height, Fullmetal is the leader of one of the most feared gangs in Central, the Brat'ja. A few years ago 23 H.A.E. experiments escaped and now Roy Mustang is on a dangerous mission to confirm if the Fullmetal is one of the escapees.

This is a cool AU story. Mustang has to infiltrate fullmetals gang and he's learning all theses things about Ed and it's really cool and futuristic. Somethings are confusing like the lab that Ed escaped from and the other experiments that escaped with him. But over all it's awesome. It's unfinished and hasn't been updated since July 27, 2014. And it only has 17 chapters, but there's a lot that happens and I wish that the author would continue with the story but I don't think they will come back to it.

Fullmetal alchemist fanfics that are awesome and you should go read them!Where stories live. Discover now