Chapter 37

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FAITH POV: A FEW WEEKS LATER: I was released from the hospital a week after I woke up. I still don't remember too much about what happened. Everytime I try to ask Tim, it's like he avoids it. I try asking my parents but they don't want to upset me. They feel Tim will tell me when he's ready or if I remember on my own. It's all very fuzzy. When I was released Tim insisted on taking me to his house so he can take care of me. I told him I was fine and can take care of myself but he wouldn't have it. I was told by the doctors to take it easy for the next week or so. So I wasn't going to argue with Tim and let him take me to his house. He's given me his bed and he would sleep somewhere else. I feel bad. I don't want him to change anything just because of me. I think he's been sleeping on the floor at times and or on this small couch in his room, so he wouldn't be too far from me. "Tim.." "yeah" "can you please talk to me?" "about what?" "I don't know, like what happened to me, please I need to know" He signed "ok but if you start getting upset, I'm stopping" "Ok fine" "Well what do you remember?" "well I remember, going to some shopping plaza that's been abanded for years just outside of Franklin. but why did I go there?" "You don't remember?" "no wait, I do remember I was upset with you about something..wait it was because your ex girlfriend kissed you" "yeah she did, but I didn't kiss her, you have to believe me" "I do believe you Tim, I never doubted that but there's something else isn't there?" "yeah there is" "Wait..when I was at that abanded store, I was tied up, I was being held captive..I remember there was a.. NO!" "Faith what is it?" "Get away from me" "Faith..." "I'm sorry I just can't do this" I said and got up and went to the room and closed the door. I laid on the bed and cried. There was a knock at the door. "Faith please let me in" I got up and opened the door. "we need to talk" "about what Tim? you have a baby with another woman!" "NO I don't" "Tim I was there.. she had..wait I remember there was someone else, another lady, she came and took the baby" "Yes Kristine never had a baby. she kidnapped another woman's baby. Kristine made this woman give her her baby temporarily" "I don't understand" "ok well Kristine was trying to cause trouble for me, for us. She wanted to break us up and for me to go back to her. So she figured if she said she had a baby. our baby than I would go back to her" "Oh my god so that explains..." "what?" "well I remember being at some cabin and it was so cold than I remember escaping. I was walking and.." "what happened?" "I don't rememeber its like everything went black" "Like you passed out?" "I think so, I don't know for sure. I remember waking up in some other house in a bed. It was still cold but I remember this lady, but it wasn't kristine.. I can't really see her face, but I heard her voice and.. " "and what?" "I don't remmber it's like everything is black. I remember waking up and than things going black again. I remember there was a small amount of food and water. I tried to eat some but I felt so weak. The water was gone almost right away and I had nothing.. I don't even know how long I was there" I started to cry. Tim went to hold me but I pulled away.

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