Chapter 38

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TIM POV: Faith is starting to remember more and more from when she was missing and held captive. I just wish none of this happened. Everytime I try to get close to her, she pulls away. I don't know what to do. I don't want to force her. I walked into the living room, Faith was sitting on the couch "Hey how are you feeling?" "Good" I went to sit next to her. "look Faith I'm.." She cut me off "No I'm sorry, I don't mean to push you away, it's just.." "I understand it's alot to take in" "yeah it is, but I still don't know the whole truth of what really happened. Can you tell me please?" I signed "Tim please.." "Ok I will tell you all I know" "Ok" "Well you know that Kristine led you to that abanded shopping center and held you there." "Yeah I remember that, I also remember trying to escape but..." "it's ok"  "ok well than I remember like I told you last night, A baby, and it was crying. Than this other lady came and got him. Kristine would always be yelling at him telling him to shut up and calling him names" "the baby?" "yeah" "Oh wow.." "anyway I do remember being put in a car and moved to some cabin. It was so cold" "She started to cry. "Faith.." "Tim no I'm fine, just tell me what I can't remember?" "well All I know is that We kept searching for you. Me, the police. We couldn't find you or any signs of you or finding Kristine. After several days. I..I remember this huge farm land" "The one that Hank Williams Sr owned?" "yeah that's it" "yeah I remember you loving that place and telling me how much you wanted to buy it" "yeah and I did" " bought it?" "yeah.. the deal was just finalized actually. Anyway. I know when Kristine and I were together, we took a drive out here. It was my first time out here. I loved it instantly. But she wanted no part of it. Anyway I had this idea to buy for it awhile now. It was going to be a wedding gift to you" "Oh wow. I had no idea, I'm so sorry" "it's fine, you have nothing to be sorry for. I should be." "Tim.." "no let me finish please" "Ok" "I searched and searched that area for hours. The police did also. but we were coming up empty. I than saw one of the cabins I didn't know was on that property. Guess there's more to it than I knew. Anyway I found this.." I than handed her the engagement ring I had gotten her "My...ring" "yeah, I didn't realize you still had it. I thought you just got rid of it" "Tim I never would do that" "yeah well I knew you were mad at me, even hated me" "Tim I don't hate you" "yeah.." it was quiet for a little bit. I started to get up. Faith grabbed my arm and pulled me back down "Tim wait.. please" I sat back down. "please finish" "ok. anyway I than got in my truck and started to drive around. Its alot bigger land than I thought. More homes around than I knew of. I than found a house in the back. I walked in and that's when I saw.." "Kristine" "yeah, the police arrested her. She wouldn't tell us where you were" "I. don't think she knew" "what do you mean?" I escaped that cabin. I remember I was walking and I saw headlights and than everything went black and when I woke up again I was in that house where you found me" "oh wow so she wasn't lying" "Well not about not knowing where I was, everything else yes" "look I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. This whole thing is all my fault" I said and got up and went upstairs. I can't be the cause of her pain anymore. I can't do this to her anymore. I lied on my bed and just cried. I than felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around to see Faith.

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