Chapter 26

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TIM POV: "Please tell me you found Faith!" "no sorry" "damn it! she has to be here somewhere" "If she was, I don't think she's still here!" "what makes you think that? she could still be here! I found this" I than took out Faith's locket necklace from my jeans pocket. "What is this?"  "its Faiths, I found it in the grass on side of the road, by that cabin Kristine was found" "ok well we have detectives questioning her now. So far she isn't cooperating" "She knows something, Let me talk to her" "Tim, I can't let you do that" "Why not?" I said annoyed "Look let us do our jobs ok? if you interfere with this, it could put this case in jeopardy and Kristine could walk. Is that what you want?" "no" "didn't think so" "look I'm sorry, I just want to find Faith!" "I understand and we will" "its been days now and still no signs of her. I'm telling you, she is here somewhere, I can feel it" I than took off. I will search every house, I don't care! As I'm walking around this property, it amazes me how beautiful this whole place is. This is almost all mine. I put the offer in right after Faith and I got engaged. I wanted it to be a surprise for her. The offer was accepted. I'm about to close on this in a couple of days. I sat down by one of the lakes, Just looking around. And than i just broke down and cried. I'm just so tired, I'm exhausted and I'm frustrated. Faith please where are you? Please be safe. I love you so damn much. I'm so sorry for all this pain I've caused you. I'm so sorry! After that little breakdown. I got myself up and got myself together and continued the search. I feel like I've searched this whole damn place and nothing. I got in my truck to leave. As I'm driving down the road, about a few miles or so down, I notice a couple of homes, I never noticed before. I stop the truck. I wasn't too sure if these two are part of the whole farm property. I don't know if I should get out and look? What if these are someones home, I don't want to be tresspassing. I guess there's only one way to find out. I pulled over on the side of the road. I got out and went up to the door of the first house. I knocked, No answer. I went to the other one not too far from that one. Knocked again, No answer. I tried to open the door, but both were locked. I was about to leave when, something told me to try to peak through the windows. The first house, was empty nothing. I than went to the other one. It was hard to see. The windows were all dirty and fogged up. I tried to clean one up to try to get a good look, but nothing.  I was walking away when I heard...

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