Chapter 2

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FAITH POV: Seeing Tim with another woman, his ex girlfriend, was just more than I can handle. I do love him, but I can't be with him. Not if he's still is hung up on her and has a baby with her. I cannot believe he had a baby with her. Tim has tried to contact me several times but I refuse to talk to him. I know he wants to explain, but explain what? how he lied to me? How he kissed her right in front of me? how he... I than started to cry. I can't keep doing this. I feel like a mess. I have a show tonight and unfortunately Tim is also performing at this show also. It's George Strait Festival. I am a huge fan of George Strait for as long as I can remember and to be asked to open up for him tonight and also perform with him? how could I refuse that. This was set up months ago. I really don't want to have to see Tim tonight. I know he's gonna want to try to talk to me, but I don't want talk to him. I have to find a way to avoid him. I got myself together and headed out. I'm looking forward to this night but not looking forward to seeing Tim. A couple of hours later Still FAITH POV: I got to the venue and went straight to my dressing room. So far so good in avoiding Tim but for how long? My hair and makeup team came in and did what they needed. I got my outfit for tonight all ready to go. It's almost time for me to go on. I was walking to the stage and for some reason I was more nervous than usual. As I was walking to the stage I saw George. "Hey Faith" "Hello George, thank for inviting me to this" "Oh your welcome, I requested you personally" "That means so much to me, thank you" "now get out there" "Yes sir" I said and he laughed. I than got out there. I did my set. After it was over I was walking to my dressing room, when I saw Tim. I don't know if he saw me but I hurried to my dressing room before he could. I walked in and closed the door. I sat down and just breathed. I just can't face him now. I than heard a knock at my door. Probably one of my crew or manager. I got up and opened the door. "what the hell are you doing here?"

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