Chapter 27

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FAITH POV: I wake up, I don't know how long I was out for this time. I don't even know how long I've been here. I'm feeling weaker and weaker each time. I'm starting to feel doubts of anyone finding me here. Why would they? Nobody knows about his place, I'm not even sure I know. I don't even know where I am. I have to try to fight. I have to push myself up. I manage to sit all the way up. I feel dizzy. I take a few deep breaths. I hear something outside. I than hear knocking at the door. I try to scream but couldn't. I try to yell something yet again but nothing. I try to look around for something I can throw. I find a little figurine on the side table. I try to throw it towards the window. But it doesn't make it. I'm too weak. It's hopeless. I put my head back down. Soon the knocking stops. It's quiet. Any hopes I just had of being rescued just faded. I than start hearing something again or am I hearing things? I'm so weak and tired and hungry, I don't know if I'm really hearing anything or not. I look over and see the window. It's very cloudy or foggy and dirty. It's hard to see through it. I need to try to get up, I need to try to throw something towards the window. "I'm here" I try to yell but I can barely talk, yet yell. Noboby can hear me. It's hopeless. I start to cry. I have no tears to cry, I'm so dehydrated. I than grab a pillow and throw towards the window with all my strength, which isn't much. It hits the window. Please let someone still be there, let me be rescued.  I than hear a voice. Its very familiar to me. "Is anyone there? Is anyone in here?" I try to talk but couldn't. I try to search for something I can throw or something that will make a noise. I look over at the table next to the bed and see the water bottle. I try to reach for it but it's too far. I try to move closer. I can barely move, I feel like I'm paralyzed. I have to keep trying, but I can't. I'm too tired. I than hear what sounds like the door opening? before blacking out again.

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