Chapter 9

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FAITH POV: I woke up and looked at the time. Time to get up. I grabbed a shower and got dressed in record time if I do say so myself. I got all my things together and headed out. I checked out and my driver was there. "hello" "hey Faith, ready to go?" "Yes sir, thank you" Than drove to the airport. I got there just in time. I have a private plane. Makes things a whole lot easier. As I was sitting there waiting. The pilot walks up to me "Hey John, are we ready to go?" "No not exaclty" "ok, so when?" "Well that's why I'm here. There's a ptoblem" "What kind of problem?" "Well there's something wrong mechanically with the plane, so I'm afraid I can't fly you" "Oh no, so what happens now? Are they sending another plane?" "Well they could, the only thing is, it's going to take a few hours" "UGH I need to get to Atlanta. I have a show tonight" "yes I'm aware, I'm doing everything I can" "I know it's not your fault" I than spotted Tim. I don't want to but, can't hurt to ask. I got up and walked towards him "Tim..." "Oh Hey Faith, look I can't talk right now, I know we said we would talk this morning but.. ""No it's not that. Look the plane that was supposed to take me to the next show has something mechanically wrong and.. " "let me guess, you want to know if you can ride on mine" I took a deep breath. I really don't want to ride with him but at this point I have no choice "if that's ok?" "yeah I guess, but are you sure?" "Look I know we have our problems right now and maybe we can talk on the way?" "ok fine, let's go" I Grabbed my stuff and followed Tim to the plane. I than texted my manager to let him know whats going on. I got on the plane. "Geez this is nicer than mine" He smiled. I sat on the oposite end. Once the plane was in the air. Tim unfastened his seat belt and sat across from me "can we talk now?" "yeah I guess" "Look, I'm sorry for all this. It was never my intention to..." "never what Tim? kissing your ex" "yeah well like I said I didn't kiss her, she kissed me and I immediately pulled away" "yeah after you saw me" "NO it wasn't like that" he said getting angry and than got up.. "Wait..I'm sorry ok" "yeah whatever it's obvious you won't believe anything I say so whats the point" He said and walked away. I sat there and started to cry

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