Chapter 14

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TIM POV: I'm at home finally a day off, first one in a long time and I'm going to take full advantage of it. Going to just sit back relax on my couch watch some TV and just do nothing. My phone starts to ring. UGH who the hell is calling me? "Hello" "Hello Tim" "Who is this?" "Who the hell do you think this is?" "Kristine what the hell do you want?" "Oh just thought you would like to know just met up and an interesting coversation with.. what is she to you know? ex fiance? girlfriend? Nobody?" she says laughing "Look SHUT THE HELL UP! DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT FAITH LIKE THAT DO YOU HEAR ME?" I yelled through the phone. I am so angry right now. "Ok Ok calm down there cowboy. Just thought you wanted to know I told Faith the truth" "what your so called truth or.. " "look I told her about the kiss, ok" "yeah and.." "but the baby? well that's none of her business. Speaking of my son.. well our son..are you ever going to come meet him?" "Look Bitch Until I get the paternity test results.."  "I told you, I am NOT doing NO paternity test" "Why not?" "because I am not putting him through that!" she said "we will see about that" I said and hung up. She must of not gotten the court order yet. If there is a baby and it's mine, we will find out soon enough.

Kristine POV: That bitch will not know what hits her. I think about my plan and if I do say so myself, it's brilliant.  There's a knock at the door, I open the door it see who it is "What the hell are you doing here? We have a deal" "Don't worry nobody saw me" "They better not have" "can I see.. " "Ok fine just make it quick" Cheryl than ran upstairs to see her baby. I can't wait to give the little brat back to her. But I will once I get Tim back. He has to believe this baby is mine and his and than once I get him back, the baby will be gone. I will make it look like something happened to him and give him back to his real mother. She than came back down holding the baby. "What are you doing?" "I..I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry" "your sorry? NO Give him back to me NOW or else!" "or else what?" "well I will make sure your secret comes out" "you wouldn't dare" "Oh I wouldn't? Just watch me, if you walk out with that baby" "he's MY SON!" "look this will all be over soon and I am paying you very well"  "Yeah I know but.." "look give him to me, this will all be over soon" "fine" she said and handed him back to me and left.  "JOAN Get down here NOW" I yelled up to the nanny" "yes ma'am" "Take him back upstairs please" She than took him from me and went back upstairs "Oh and if you let that woman walk out with him again like that, there will be consequences" "yes ma'am" ugh stupid woman! This plan has to work, no it will. I will get Tim back! There was than another knock at the door. Who the hell is that now? Better not be her again.. I went and opened the door "What the hell are you..  oh sorry I thought you were someone else, can I help you?" "Are you Kristine Barnes?" "yes thats me" "you've been served" The man said and handed me some papers and left. I closed the door. What the hell is this? I opened it up, it was a court order for a paternity test? Like hell that will happen!

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