Chapter 10

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FAITH POV: Tim turned around and saw me crying "look Faith.." "yeah what" "can I finish explaining please?" "Fine go ahead" I said as he came back and sat down in front of me. "ok well after I pushed her away, I saw you and... I just wanted to let you know that I don't have any feelings for her at all. She's trying to cause trouble. That's what she does" "ok than how do you explain the baby?" "I honestly don't think there is a baby and if there is, it's not mine" "How can you be so sure?" "well I contacted my lawyer to see if there's a way to make her get a paternity test on the so called baby" "ok" I said confused "look I've contacted her a couple of times asking for one and she kept refusing. So that's what makes me think. One she's lying about me being the father or two there is no baby and she's trying to cause trouble for me and break us up. Looks she succeeded doesn't it?" "I..I don't know Tim. I need time to think" I said. "ok fine" he said and got up and went to sit back down in his seat he was sitting in before. I watched him looking out the window. He looked so sad. I can see him wiping his eyes every now and than like he was wiping away tears. I looked away. I need time to process all this. I need to find out if what Tim is telling me is true and I know just how to do that. Once we landed I got my things and got off the plane with Tim following behind. I just kept on walking till I met up with my driver and drove to the venue. Once I got there, I went to my bus to think. I put my stuff down and went to find just the person I need to talk to.

TIM POV: Once the plane landed, Faith grabbed her things and ran off the plane. I followed behind but before I can catch up to her, she was gone. "damn it!" I said out loud. I than found my driver and went to the venue. I got on my bus to just relax till soundcheck but all I could do was think about Faith. I have to find a way to prove to her, I'm telling the truth, there has to be a way! There was than a knock on the bus door. I got up and opened it "hey Deano" "hey Tim, do you mind?" "No not at all man, come on in" "Thanks, look I saw Faith.." "And? did she say anything to you?" "yeah actually" "What did she say?" "well she more was asking me about that night Kristine showed up and.. " "yeah I know and what did you say?" "The truth, what I saw which was,she just showed up and kissed you. I told her what I saw which was you not happy that she somehow got backstage and just showed up out of nowhere. I also told her that, I saw kristine had seen Faith coming and thats when she kissed you" "and did you also tell her how I didn't want to kiss her? that I pushed her away as soon as she kissed me?" "well..." "DEANO!" "Look I'm sorry, I honestly didn't know. I'm sorry I couldn't lie to her" "UGH! Damn it! Look Man I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. but the truth is I didn't want to kiss her, she kissed me. I pushed her away right away and thats when I saw Faith there" "Look I believe you. I know you would never do anything like that to Faith" "Thanks man" "Look can I be honest with you?" "sure" "I'm going to tell you what I told Faith and that's that I have never seen you this happy with anyone before and I remembered something you told me when you first met each other" "And what is that?" "That you told  me that night, that you thought she was the one. The one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with and you have never said that about any girl you have dated before and this was before you two even started to be together" "Thanks man I appreciate it" "No problem, I'm sorry I couldn't be more of a help" "Nah man it's ok thank you" I said and he than left. I looked at the time almost time for soundcheck. I got up and went into the venue.

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