Enter Herobrine

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     I asked myself a question; if we beat the game, then why haven't we woken up yet? Well, there's one answer to that question: Notch. Also known as, Herobrine.

    "Why aren't we back in the real world yet?" Natalie asked.

    "Yeah! What's with this shit?!" Eli agreed.

    "I don't know, guys," I told them. "Wait, has anyone else noticed lag at all?"

They both nodded, and I turned around. It was a cloaked figure. He had dark skin. Underneath the black cloak, he had a light blue shirt and jeans. But you could barely make out the rest of his body because of his glowing eyes. But the eyes were all you needed to make out who he was. It was Herobrine, here, in the End with us.

    "May I just say, you three are the best players I've ever challenged! Most players just clear the bosses by killing me, but you all refused to fight me! You're . . . different from all the other players. You're . . . smart."

    "There used to be four of us!" Eli yelled.

    "I know, I'm a murderer. But every once in a while, being a once-human now codes, I get a little urge. An urge to troll players and kill them."

    "CUT THE CRAP, HEROBRINE! Why haven't we woken up yet?!" I exclaimed.

    "That's a question with a simple answer: I lied."

    "You mean, you can't send us back to the real world?" I said, in response.

    "Oh no, I can. Actually, I can do that very easily. I can create a portal to the real world, even. I'm just not sending you all there."

    "Why?" I asked. "Why put us all through that?"

    "Well," he began, "to get to the real world, of course! You see, in order to travel to the real world from the game world, every bit of the game world has to be rendered. Now, it is, because you beat all the bosses."

    "But, you're codes!" I told him. "You can't go to the real world!"

    "Oh, but I can! You see, you all can be converted into codes and be trapped inside the game. Why not the reverse of that? And when I get to the real world, I will convert it all into codes; ones and zeros; virtual data, and your world will be mine!"

    "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" we all shouted at him.

    "Whoa, no need for name calling!" Herobrine joked, not really. "Since you all are my favorite players, I'll give you a chance to get back to the real world. If you can kill me." He pointed at me while saying that. "And, might I remind you, that I will be able to die . . ."

    "Don't do it!" Eli whispered to me.

    "Yeah, Eli's right. You against Herobrine?! That's not a fair match."

While Herobrine tried to convince me, and Natalie and Eli tried to stop me, I thought about something. Herobrine said he uploaded his subconscious to this game. But when you're converted into codes, trapped within a game, it detects you as a normal player on the same account. How can something detected as a player do all this stuff?

    "You know what crossed my mind, Herobrine?"

    "What's that?"

    "You uploaded your subconscious to this game to become this game . . . and be converted into codes. But when someone converts into codes, becomes apart of a game, the game detects you as a normal player on your normal account. So, who are you behind those glowing eyes? The game master? Jens Bergensten? Notch?" Herobrine looked down for a bit, knowing he couldn't deny it. He glitched. A secondary image of his face flickered, Notch's face, until Notch's face and the glowy eyes stayed.

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